Windows says CPU speed is slower than it really is...



My friend has an AMD 2500+ CPU which runs at 1.83ghz. Just like it should,
the System Properties General tab used to say it was operating at 1.83ghz.
He just recently reinstalled Windows XP Home edition and now his System
properties say the CPU is operating at 1.1ghz. He also installed one of
those programs that monitors the system temperatures and stuff and it says
1.1ghz also. How would something like this happen and would he need to
reinstall Windows XP again?

Gary Tsang

It sounds like the FSB speed is not set properly in the bios (or it is not
jumpered correctly)

It should be set to 166 (double pumped to 333) as 11*166 = roughly 1.83 ghz.
You probably have it set to 100 now (11*100=1.1 ghz)

Gary Tsang

BTW, you only need to make the change in the bios (or jumper settings). You
won't need to reinstall Windows for this.

Consult your motherboard's manual for exact instructions as to how to do

Hope this helps.


How interesting, Gary. Sounds as though nothing was changed by the user
other than a reinstall? BTW, shouldn't you be playing tennis somewhere or
is that your brother? <w>


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

Gary Tsang

That was a few hours ago heh (with my brother). Given that it's pitch black
right now, I doubt anyone is playing tennis (plus the fact that it is

It's definitely the FSB being set wrong. Assuming it is a relatively recent
motherboard that is software fsb controlled, something definitely caused the
FSB to change... perhaps his computer crashed and his bios set the FSB to a
failsafe frequency...


<LOL> Glad to hear it and thanks for the feedback, Gary. However, love the
dark and rain. Ever noticed the hours I work? :blush:)

As per the latter, will be reading with interest.


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP


Yeah, I didn't even think of that. The guy whose computer this is had one of
his other friends put a new HD in and that's what they installed WinXP on. I
don't think the guy knew to check the BIOS settings though.
Although, a new HD isn't going to mess with the BIOS settings for the CPU I
don't think. I'll have him check it out.

Lil' Dave

If the installer initially set the jumpers pins where you have double slaves
for instance, the PC may have refused to even shown video at turnon.
The failsafe settings may have been invoked afterwards on the next turnon
attempt. No one has to enter the bios settings for this to happen.

Gary Tsang

Ah yes. Forgot about that.

Yes, that's another area where the FSB speed can be controlled.
Since Windows takes the actual FSB at the time of the opening of the System
Control Panel...

cool and Quiet can be disabled in the bios, or can be turned off in Windows
by selecting an appropriate power profile in the Power Options Control
Panel. Always On & Home/Office Desk will disable the Cool and Quiet

Just started playing with that feature on my brother's new computer. It's
pretty cool (pardon the pun).

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