Windows Media 11 (URGE) Crashes



Running version 11 on xp pro. Can't run videos or it will just crash media
player. All I get is the worthless dialog that comes up and asks if I want
to send a report to Microsoft.

Is there a repair option that I can do? If not, what are my options? I
can't uninstall because it always fails. So I downloaded Media 11 and
reinstalled it. The problem still exists.


Well maybe it does belong here!
To the best of my knowledge, the symptoms appeared after I fixed the
..NetFrame Junk. You know... uninstall all .NetFrame then reinstall
everything as advised by MS MVP.

Maybe somebody out there has also done the .NetFrame changes too, but
haven't checked their Windows Media to see if it plays Videos. Since I'm
not getting a response, on the other NG, this "xp.general" might have a few
more viewers.

PA Bear

Well maybe it does belong here!
To the best of my knowledge, the symptoms appeared after I fixed the
.NetFrame Junk. You know... uninstall all .NetFrame then reinstall
everything as advised by MS MVP.

Maybe somebody out there has also done the .NetFrame changes too, but
haven't checked their Windows Media to see if it plays Videos. Since I'm
not getting a response, on the other NG, this "xp.general" might have a
more viewers.

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