Windows Mail pop/smtp setup


David Brooks

I have a msn email using Outlook Express on my old computer. Vista's Windows
Mail keeps saying it no longer supports HTTP email. But I'm using pop/smtp
server setup in Outlook and Windows Mail says it supports that but I can't
get by HTTP message. Is Microsoft finally forcing me off pop/smtp with their
msn email? Or how do I get by it?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Earle Horton

Windows Live/MSN/Hotmail supports pop3/smtp transport but only for paying
accounts. This includes Hotmail Plus and partner accounts such as Qwest,
Verizon, Bellsouth. If you are not paying for the privilege of using MSN
Email you are not going to connect using pop3/smtp. If you are well then it
is a different story.,, user name "(e-mail address removed)", smtp server requires
authentication, pop3 port 995 SSL, smtp port 25 SSL.

If you have an HTTP account imported from Outlook Express delete it and
create a new pop3/smtp account from scratch in Windows Mail.



Gary VanderMolen

If you used POP/SMTP with MSN on Outlook Express, you can do so
on Windows Mail. The account setup wizard needs a workaround when
initially setting up the account. Tell it your email address is something
like (e-mail address removed). It won't complain, and will let you
enter the POP and SMTP server information. Afterwards, go back and
edit the account by giving it your correct email address.

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