Windows is running, but I can't get into word or outlook express



I need help. I must have accidentally deleted XP small business program,
when trying to make space on my PC. Windows is still running, but Word and
Outlook express and excel won't open. And everytime I try to do something, I
get a window pop up that XP small biz is trying to configure and can't...

I tried to reinstall windows xp, but it won't let me, claiming the version
running is newer than the version on the disk. HELP.

Shenan Stanley

trish1206 said:
I need help. I must have accidentally deleted XP small business
program, when trying to make space on my PC. Windows is still
running, but Word and Outlook express and excel won't open. And
everytime I try to do something, I get a window pop up that XP
small biz is trying to configure and can't...

I tried to reinstall windows xp, but it won't let me, claiming the
version running is newer than the version on the disk. HELP.

- First - why would you try to reinstall Windows XP if the programs that are
not working (by your own words) are "Word and Outlook express and excel"?
- Are you sure you mean "Outlook Express" and not "Outlook"?
- Outlook, Word and Excel are Microsoft Office applications - and according
to your own wording (again) you most likely have the Small Business Edition
of Microsoft Office (which includes those programs at least) and you need to
install Microsoft Office Small Business Edition again - not Windows XP -
which is the operating system and you said was working.

Next time - when you need space - stay within your *own* files - or those
*you created* - when cleaning up. ;-)

Don Phillipson

I need help. I must have accidentally deleted XP small business program,
when trying to make space on my PC. Windows is still running, but Word and
Outlook express and excel won't open. And everytime I try to do something, I
get a window pop up that XP small biz is trying to configure and can't...

I tried to reinstall windows xp, but it won't let me, claiming the version
running is newer than the version on the disk. HELP.

1. We should never "delete" applications. We
should only uninstal those we are sure we never need.
2. MSWord and Excel are not part of WindowsXP and are
usually installed via MSOffice. OE is installed with WinXP but
is not part of this operating system.

If you have no instal CD for Word and Excel, you may
get the same functionality from free public software

A quick fix for OE might be to download the latest
version from the Microsoft update sitie.

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