windows installer pops up



When ever I try and click on an item in my palm pilot
calendar and most recently "life journal" software, the
Windows installer pops up for business plan pro 4.0. I
brieflyl had this software installed on my computer and
removed it. How can I remove or disable the installer
from popping up? I've uninstalled and re-installed the
Palm software to no avail.

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

kebmo said:
When ever I try and click on an item in my palm pilot
calendar and most recently "life journal" software, the
Windows installer pops up for business plan pro 4.0. I
brieflyl had this software installed on my computer and
removed it. How can I remove or disable the installer
from popping up? I've uninstalled and re-installed the
Palm software to no avail.


See "Every time I launch my application, Windows Installer performs an
installation. How can I determine the cause of the on-demand installation?"
in the FAQ at

To access the Application Log in the Event viewer,
run the following command from Start/Run:


If a product code is listed there, MSIZAP.EXE is maybe able to fix this
issue, it is included as a utility in the support tools installation
package (on your WinXP CD) with some additional documentation included
in suptools.chm (installed by suptools.msi).

It will remove all Windows Installer entries for a product key that you feed it

Based on the documentation in

this is what you should run:

msizap T {product code}


-----Original Message-----


See "Every time I launch my application, Windows Installer performs an
installation. How can I determine the cause of the on- demand installation?"
in the FAQ at nagement/msi_faq.mspx

To access the Application Log in the Event viewer,
run the following command from Start/Run:


If a product code is listed there, MSIZAP.EXE is maybe able to fix this
issue, it is included as a utility in the support tools installation
package (on your WinXP CD) with some additional documentation included
in suptools.chm (installed by suptools.msi).

It will remove all Windows Installer entries for a product key that you feed it

Based on the documentation in us/msi/setup/msizap_exe.asp

this is what you should run:

msizap T {product code}

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of the 1328 page
Scripting Guide:

The error code I get is "error 1706. No valid source
could be found for product business plan pro 4.0. The
windows installer cannot continue"

I went into the event viewer and located rvrnt 11706 and
the source is MsiInstaller. I do not see any product
codes listed anywhere.


-----Original Message-----


See "Every time I launch my application, Windows Installer performs an
installation. How can I determine the cause of the on- demand installation?"
in the FAQ at nagement/msi_faq.mspx

To access the Application Log in the Event viewer,
run the following command from Start/Run:


If a product code is listed there, MSIZAP.EXE is maybe able to fix this
issue, it is included as a utility in the support tools installation
package (on your WinXP CD) with some additional documentation included
in suptools.chm (installed by suptools.msi).

It will remove all Windows Installer entries for a product key that you feed it

Based on the documentation in us/msi/setup/msizap_exe.asp

this is what you should run:

msizap T {product code}

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of the 1328 page
Scripting Guide:

Additionally when clicking on the warning I get the
following info. "Detection of product '{7FB37294-8155-
11D3-A809-0050BAAFB1BB}', feature 'CoreApp',
component '{7FB37296-8155-11D3-A809-0050BAAFB1BB}'
failed. The resource 'K:\biz plan 4\bplan4.exe' does not

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