Windows Explorer Search

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam Carter
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Sam Carter

I write SQL 2000 stored procedures which are text files ending with .SQL

Windows Explorer search facility used to work well to search among the *.sql
files for keywords. It recently began to NOT find anything in files ending
with .SQL, even when specifically told to look at those files.

No error is returned, simply no results found.

I've tried to enable IIS Indexing service, and I've scanned the drive with
Indexing service. No change.

Any help very much appreciated.

Here's a previous question and response from Alex Nichol. Hope it helps.


Alex Nichol Oct 29 2002, 3:10 am
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
From: Alex Nichol
Subject: Re: Search for wordphrase in .sql files doesn't work
There are now way to get results when searching for a
word or phrase in a .sql file. If I rename the .sql file
to .txt , search is able to read the contents of the file.
It seems that XP ignore reading the contents for some
file extentions.

XP Search for content works only on file types where the extension is
either registered as having only ASCII Text (eg .txt) or as having a
filter to handle internal formatting codes and distinguish them from
Unicode (eg .doc). You can add a type as being ASCII text with the
following registry patch - which may not give sensible results if the
files are *not* pure ASCII. This is set to sql - change .sql for other
types. Also make a preliminary check with regedit that the subkey
concerned does not already have a PersistentHandler for other purposes
(sql is OK).

Make the following, after - - start and before - - end into a file by
cut/paste to NotePad. Make sure there is a blank line at the end. Save
as "Patch.reg" then d-click on this file to enter it into the registry.

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Alex Nichol MVP (Windows - File Systems)
Bournemouth, U.K. (e-mail address removed)
Sam said:
Windows Explorer search facility used to work well to search among the *.sql
files for keywords. It recently began to NOT find anything in files ending
with .SQL, even when specifically told to look at those files.

It only searches for text in a very limited number of types - they must
either have registry entries saying they are pure Text (.TXT and not
much else) or have known ;filters' to handle embedded format controls,
so that Search can avoid being confused by thinking those are characters
in 16 bit Unicode (eg .doc, .htm). You can add an additional type as
pure text provided you know that it *is* that, and that it does not
already have a 'PersistentHandler' in the registry. Make the following,
after - - start and before - - end into a file by cut/paste to NotePad.
Make sure there is a blank line at the end. Save as "Patch.reg" then
d-click on this file to enter it into the registry.
This is for .sql - modify that for other extensions, with care.

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