Wierd Characters



Access 2003.

When I reference a control value from a subform which is on the main form, I
get japanese looking characters.

The Main for has a control whose data source is:

=DateDiff("n",[txtStart],[txtStop])/60 which give the difference between
the start time and a stop time divided by 60 so I get hours and decimal of
an hour. This works fine on the main form, but weird characters when I
reference the value in a subform.

Any ideas on what I need to do to fix this?



OK, thanks. I'll check it out.

Gina Whipp said:

Perhaps posting how you are referencing the value from the subform will
yeild some useful replies.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors


SAC said:
Access 2003.

When I reference a control value from a subform which is on the main
form, I get japanese looking characters.

The Main for has a control whose data source is:

=DateDiff("n",[txtStart],[txtStop])/60 which give the difference between
the start time and a stop time divided by 60 so I get hours and decimal
of an hour. This works fine on the main form, but weird characters when
I reference the value in a subform.

Any ideas on what I need to do to fix this?


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