Calculating Sum on Main Frm from 3 Subforms



I have frmTimeCard(Main) and 3 subforms frmPTS, frmPJTS, frmITS. All 3 of
these forms capture hours for differant activites that employees can be
invovled in. These forms are on tab controls. I have sum control in each
subform's footer and referance them on the main form. That works great. Now I
what to total these three controls on the main form and I have achieved this
but only when each sum control is populate. If employee does not get hours in
all three subforms then the total does not appear.

Let's say employee gets hours in frmPTS but not frmPJTS or frmITS when I
scroll to that record the Total will show up for about a second and then
disappear untill employee gets hours in the other two subforms. Any thoughts?


suggest you read up on the Nz() function in Help to see if it will work for
you in this situation.


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