why can't I connect to office online?



I have recently installed office 2003 professional and can not connect to
microsoft office online at all. Page cannot be displayed is what I get...if
I close my office program and do a search for microsoft office, I receive the
same message.

Any suggestions as to how I can connect to this? I was taking some training
on my computer at work and wanted to continue at home. Is there any settings
I need to adjust to be able to access this?


gracielou said:
I have recently installed office 2003 professional and can not connect
microsoft office online at all. Page cannot be displayed is what I
I close my office program and do a search for microsoft office, I
receive the
same message.

Any suggestions as to how I can connect to this? I was taking some
on my computer at work and wanted to continue at home. Is there any
I need to adjust to be able to access this?

Are you asking about connecting to http://office.microsoft.com? If so,
HTTP is a protocol supported by your web browser, not MS Office
components. There is a web bar available in Outlook but it will use the
browser to render the web page. So why bother viewing web sites in
Outlook and not just use the web browser itself? Because of security
zone configuration in Outlook, perhaps that interferes with whatever web
sites you want to visit. Outlook can display web pages by using the
libs from the web browser but Outlook is NOT itself a full-fledged web


I can not even access it with my web browser "Page cannot be displayed".. I
was accessing the Microsoft Office online through the office program to
access"online support" which there is a link for. if my settings need to be
adjusted, what would I need to change them to?


gracielou said:
I can not even access it with my web browser "Page cannot be
displayed".. I
was accessing the Microsoft Office online through the office program
access"online support" which there is a link for. if my settings need
to be
adjusted, what would I need to change them to?

In a DOS shell, run the following command:

nslookup office.microsoft.com

See if you can even find the IP address when you specify the IP name for
the site. If you can't get back an IP address (which is what computers
use, not IP names) then you have a DNS problem.

When I ran the above command, I got:
nslookup office.microsoft.com
Server: <myISPdnsServer>
Address: <itsIPaddress>

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: office.microsoft.com.nsatc.net
Aliases: office.microsoft.com

The IP address returned is So instead of using an IP name
in the URL for the site, you could use its IP address. In a web
browser, try entering:

If their site opens then you have a DNS problem. To convert IP names to
IP addresses, you need to have the DNS server do the lookup. You give
it the IP name and it returns the IP address and then you use the IP
address to get to the site. Use whatever IP address gets returned, if
one gets returned. Due to worldwide load-balancing across a global farm
of servers, which one you are to use may be different than the one

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