
I'm sorry for shouting, but I've posted this before and have gone
unnoticed. Perhaps no one knows, but I thought I'd try shouting
to attract attention, just in case, before giving up.

For some reason, I am unable to enter more than two digits in the
textboxes to enter values for either Red, Green or Blue in the
Color Dialog.

How may I fix this?

XP w/SP2

Again, sorry for shouting...just a last ditch attempt to get an



Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the
path. - Morpheus

Shenan Stanley

Wayfarer said:
I'm sorry for shouting, but I've posted this before and have gone
unnoticed. Perhaps no one knows, but I thought I'd try shouting
to attract attention, just in case, before giving up.

For some reason, I am unable to enter more than two digits in the
textboxes to enter values for either Red, Green or Blue in the
Color Dialog.

How may I fix this?

XP w/SP2

What textboxes?
What "color dialog"?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Wayfarer said:
I'm sorry for shouting, but I've posted this before and have gone
unnoticed. Perhaps no one knows, but I thought I'd try shouting
to attract attention, just in case, before giving up.

For some reason, I am unable to enter more than two digits in the
textboxes to enter values for either Red, Green or Blue in the
Color Dialog.

How may I fix this?

XP w/SP2

Again, sorry for shouting...just a last ditch attempt to get an



Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the
path. - Morpheus

One reason for not attracting replies might be that many
respondents do not know what your post is all about.
The Subject line should give a broad idea about your
problem, e.g. the the aspect of WinXP that is causing
you grief. It's definitely not "Kill". In fact I do not know
at all what "Color Dialog" you're thinking of. Is it your
video adapter settings? If so then perhaps a header such
as "Problem with Via video adapter settings" might be


Thus spake Shenan Stanley:
What textboxes?
What "color dialog"?

I'm sorry...I thought that it was called the Color Dialog. What
is it properly called? Yes, I know that "Kill" is definitely not
part of a helpful, valid subject, but it did get some attention.
Again, please accept my apologies.

Here's a screenshot of what I've called the color dialog. The
textboxes are where the values are entered and displayed for Red,
Green and Blue. They will only accept two digits.




Pegasus \(MVP\)

Wayfarer said:
Thus spake Shenan Stanley:

I'm sorry...I thought that it was called the Color Dialog. What
is it properly called? Yes, I know that "Kill" is definitely not
part of a helpful, valid subject, but it did get some attention.
Again, please accept my apologies.

Here's a screenshot of what I've called the color dialog. The
textboxes are where the values are entered and displayed for Red,
Green and Blue. They will only accept two digits.




Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

Don't just stand there...KNEEL!

Well, it is indeed your video adapter settings you're
talking about . . . The figures you see are probably
percentage figures. Not much point entering more
than 100. I suspect your driver interprets "99" as
"100". If you do not like it, search the Internet for
a different driver for your particular adapter.


Wayfarer said:
I'm sorry for shouting, but I've posted this before and have gone
unnoticed. Perhaps no one knows, but I thought I'd try shouting
to attract attention, just in case, before giving up.

For some reason, I am unable to enter more than two digits in the
textboxes to enter values for either Red, Green or Blue in the
Color Dialog.

How may I fix this?

XP w/SP2

Again, sorry for shouting...just a last ditch attempt to get an

And you felt it unnecessary to provide a link to your prior post? All
we have, otherwise, is a screaming poster claiming that they posted
before and expects us to go check if it is true. It might be true but
screaming doesn't exactly promote anyone to bother to look. I changed
your Subject header.

When asked what the "color dialog" was, the screen capture doesn't
necessarily tell them how you managed to get that dialog window. My
guess is:

- Right-click on desktop and select Properties (or run the Display
applet in Control Panel).
- Click the tab for Appearance.
- Click the Advanced button.
- Click the "Color N" listbox (N = 1 or 2).
- Click the "Other" selection in the color listbox.

If THAT is what you are talking about, you should be able to enter
values from 0 to 239, so you should be able to enter 3 digits. As you
drag around the cursor in the color palette box or the slider for the
luminosity bar, do you see any 3-digit numbers appear in the input

Bruce Chambers

Wayfarer said:
I'm sorry for shouting, but I've posted this before and have gone
unnoticed. Perhaps no one knows, but I thought I'd try shouting
to attract attention, just in case, before giving up.

For some reason, I am unable to enter more than two digits in the
textboxes to enter values for either Red, Green or Blue in the
Color Dialog.

Perhaps no one has answered because no one can guess what you're
talking about.

What "text boxes?" What "color dialog?" What application are you
using? What *specific* error message(s) do you get? What changes, if
any, did you make to the computer's hardware or software configuration
immediately prior to the onset of the problem? What specific
troubleshooting steps have you already taken, and what were the results
of each?

No one can help if you don't provide at least a modicum of information.

Help us help you:

Otherwise, you might as well try here:

Psychic Friends Network
(800) 592-7827


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


Thus spake Vanguard:
And you felt it unnecessary to provide a link to your prior post? All
we have, otherwise, is a screaming poster claiming that they posted
before and expects us to go check if it is true. It might be true but
screaming doesn't exactly promote anyone to bother to look. I changed
your Subject header.

Why do you assume I'm lying about posting before and what
difference does it make anyway? Look for posts from Wayfarer
during the last two weeks, they should still be on a decent news
server. The content of those posts is no different from my
original post.
When asked what the "color dialog" was, the screen capture doesn't
necessarily tell them how you managed to get that dialog window. My
guess is:

- Right-click on desktop and select Properties (or run the Display
applet in Control Panel).
- Click the tab for Appearance.
- Click the Advanced button.
- Click the "Color N" listbox (N = 1 or 2).
- Click the "Other" selection in the color listbox.

If THAT is what you are talking about, you should be able to enter
values from 0 to 239, so you should be able to enter 3 digits. As you
drag around the cursor in the color palette box or the slider for the
luminosity bar, do you see any 3-digit numbers appear in the input

Yes, that is how I got that dialog for the screenshot to show up.
But a dialog is a dialog, accessible to anyone building Windows
apps whose programming language has a native function to call it
or who knows the proper API call. If you use graphics or many
other kinds of programs, this "dialog" is often used by them.

Yes, dragging around the cursor in the color palette box or the
luminosity slider will produce 3 digit numbers. However, I find
it more than a bit difficult to get values of R:242 G:145 B:113
by dragging. Perhaps you will agree? This is why I'm trying to
get my question answered. I want precise color values.

No matter what application I use that uses what I call the color
dialog, I am only able to enter, manually, 2 digits. Period. If
you don't know, then just say so.

Incidentally, I changed the thread name to reflect the fact that
the range of possible values using RGB is from 1 to *255*.




Thus spake Kelly:
Depends on which program/site, etc you are using. This has nothing to do
with XP. Some use RGB, some don't.

Thanks for responding, Kelly.

It's from Control Panel -> Display -> Advanced -> Color 1 and
it's supposed to accept values from 1 to 255. Trying to drag the
cursor around the color palette to get values of R:244 G:213 B:45
is very difficult. The dialog is an integral part of Windows XP,
though...I've called it from Powerbuilder and Delphi before as
ChooseColor from comdlg32.dll. It's often used in any program
where the programmer is satisfied with using the Windows' dialog
rather than build their own.

Anyway, I appreciate your response. And I particularly
appreciate your not yelling back at me. ;-)


Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

The Universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our
wits to grow sharper. - Eden Philpotts


Thus spake Bruce Chambers:
Perhaps no one has answered because no one can guess what you're
talking about.

What "text boxes?" What "color dialog?" What application are you
using? What *specific* error message(s) do you get? What changes, if
any, did you make to the computer's hardware or software configuration
immediately prior to the onset of the problem? What specific
troubleshooting steps have you already taken, and what were the results
of each?

Perhaps you missed my previous followup in this thread giving an
URL showing the dialog. I'm sure you will be able to figure out
what I'm talking about from that. No hardware changes, and it's
been like that since I installed SP2.

Here is the URL again, in case your news server doesn't have my
previous post: http://www.journeys.ws/colordialog.htm
No one can help if you don't provide at least a modicum of information.

Psychic Friends Network
(800) 592-7827

Thank you for the number. I'll use it to find out why you find
it necessary to be insulting to someone who asked for help.



Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

Your eyes will be opened to a world full of beauty, charm and
adventure. - fortune cookie


Wayfarer said:
Thus spake Vanguard:

Why do you assume I'm lying about posting before and what
difference does it make anyway? Look for posts from Wayfarer
during the last two weeks, they should still be on a decent news
server. The content of those posts is no different from my
original post.

The point is that you make it inconvenient to those you are asking for
help by making them go off separately doing a search and hoping they
find your article. Not all news servers have as long a retention period
as you would like. Also, you assume every participant wants to keep
every possible post that still exists on whichever NNTP server they
connect to. No, many like me prefer to keep messages only for however
long WE choose to monitor them. I don't bother keeping old messages
around (they're bodies get deleted after 5 days and the message itself
gets deleted after 10 days). Once a topic is older than that, I won't
be participating in it. If I need to see an older topic, I Google
Groups for it. But with someone screaming at me, I wasn't inclined to
bother doing a search for your old post and you didn't bother to provide
a link to it. So even if the NNTP server's retention is longer, the
participant may have a view that is shorter. Hey, you started out being
rude by shouting, buster.
No matter what application I use that uses what I call the color
dialog, I am only able to enter, manually, 2 digits. Period. If
you don't know, then just say so.

Are you entering these values manually in the right-side input
textboxes, or are you trying to insert the values programmatically? If
programmatically, and since I don't know your setup, maybe the
parameters are hexidecimal (00 to FF).

Changing to a different driver, as Pegasus recommended, won't help
because this is a Windows-defined dialog, not something a video driver
defines. What is the maximum 2-digit value you can enter? You aren't
prefixing leading zeroes onto the numerical value, are you? "025" will
only let you enter "025" rather than if perhaps you were trying to enter
"0252" which then got truncated to the first 3 digits (entering the 4th
digit results in a beep sound).
Incidentally, I changed the thread name to reflect the fact that
the range of possible values using RGB is from 1 to *255*.

I had clicked on the "?" icon in the titlebar and then clicked on the
Hue value input textbox which showed bubble help saying the value may
range from 0 to 239. There is no mention of the valid range when using
this object help on the RGB input fields, but you are correct in that
RGB values should range from 0 to 255.

Wesley Vogel

That Screen shot looks like it's from...

Display Properties | Appearance tab |
Advanced button | Color | Other...


Display Properties | Desktop tab |
Color | Other...

[[Lists the background colors you can use for the selected window component.
If this option is unavailable, you cannot change the color of the selected

[[Click to select a color to use on your desktop, or customize a new color.
If you did not select a background, the color will cover your entire
desktop. If you selected a background and chose Center in the Position list
box, the color fills the space around the background.]]

Try dragging the Slider up and down instead of typing numbers in the boxes.

Slider (Upper right hand side)
[[Drag the slider to change the luminosity, or relative lightness or
darkness, of a color. The corresponding numerical value appears in Lum.]]
The Red, Green and Blue values also change.

Or use the Color matrix
[[Displays a color matrix. To define a custom color, click anywhere in the
matrix. To further define your custom colors, you can change the hue,
saturation (Sat), lumination (Lum), and the amount of red, green, and blue
for each color by moving the pointer on the matrix, or by typing the
numerical values. Change hue by moving the pointer horizontally; change
saturation by moving the pointer vertically. Use the slider at the right of
the matrix to adjust luminosity.]]

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Thus spake Vanguard:
The point is that you make it inconvenient to those you are asking for
help by making them go off separately doing a search and hoping they
find your article. Not all news servers have as long a retention period
as you would like. Also, you assume every participant wants to keep
every possible post that still exists on whichever NNTP server they
connect to. No, many like me prefer to keep messages only for however
long WE choose to monitor them. I don't bother keeping old messages
around (they're bodies get deleted after 5 days and the message itself
gets deleted after 10 days). Once a topic is older than that, I won't
be participating in it. If I need to see an older topic, I Google
Groups for it. But with someone screaming at me, I wasn't inclined to
bother doing a search for your old post and you didn't bother to provide
a link to it. So even if the NNTP server's retention is longer, the
participant may have a view that is shorter. Hey, you started out being
rude by shouting, buster.

Are you entering these values manually in the right-side input
textboxes, or are you trying to insert the values programmatically? If
programmatically, and since I don't know your setup, maybe the
parameters are hexidecimal (00 to FF).

Changing to a different driver, as Pegasus recommended, won't help
because this is a Windows-defined dialog, not something a video driver
defines. What is the maximum 2-digit value you can enter? You aren't
prefixing leading zeroes onto the numerical value, are you? "025" will
only let you enter "025" rather than if perhaps you were trying to enter
"0252" which then got truncated to the first 3 digits (entering the 4th
digit results in a beep sound).

I'm trying to enter them manually. No error message, no leading
zeroes, just a maddening failure to accept more than two digits.
It's not hex...the values show up in the 1 to 255 range when

The textboxes will accept *any* numeric entry, including "55",
"02" or "13", but that's it.

Sorry for the lack of snippage...I didn't want the sense of the
posts to get lost.


Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

Your eyes will be opened to a world full of beauty, charm and
adventure. - fortune cookie


Wayfarer said:
Thus spake Vanguard:

I'm trying to enter them manually. No error message, no leading
zeroes, just a maddening failure to accept more than two digits.
It's not hex...the values show up in the 1 to 255 range when

The textboxes will accept *any* numeric entry, including "55",
"02" or "13", but that's it.

Sorry for the lack of snippage...I didn't want the sense of the
posts to get lost.


Journeys: http://www.journeys.ws/

Your eyes will be opened to a world full of beauty, charm and
adventure. - fortune cookie

Well, you got me stumped. Other than a Repair off the Windows XP
install CD, I don't know why this dialog is restricting you to only
2-digits for RGB values. Presumably you've already tried rebooting into
Safe mode to see the same problem occurs, and also performed a full scan
using a recently updated anti-virus program and scanned using Ad-Aware,
Spybot, MS Anti-Spyware, and the online PestScan check to make sure some
malware didn't cause the defect.

Bruce Chambers

Wayfarer said:
Perhaps you missed my previous followup in this thread giving an
URL showing the dialog. I'm sure you will be able to figure out
what I'm talking about from that. No hardware changes, and it's
been like that since I installed SP2.

Here is the URL again, in case your news server doesn't have my
previous post: http://www.journeys.ws/colordialog.htm

I saw the URL, but I know better than to blindly click on any URL
provided by a complete stranger on Usenet. Too many such URLs lead to
sites that are designed to install malware.

If you want help, provide an accurate verbal description of your
problem. A link to a picture used to be a good idea, but the Black Hats
have longer since made the practice unsafe.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


I _never_ answer anyone who shouts. Learn to be polite before you
learn how to ask questions.

John Eddy [MSFT]

PMFJI, but, if you go to Control Panel - Display - Settings - Advanced, what
is the DPI setting set to? If its anything but 'Normal', could you try
setting it to normal and rebooting to see what happens? I've seen some odd
effects when the DPI is set to Large (or anything other than Normal.)

If you clear out a box and type '1234', do you get 1 warning beep or 2? If
you get 1, use the left arrow and see if you can back up to the 1.

John Eddy
Microsoft Newsgroups Administrator


Thus spake 1411:
I _never_ answer anyone who shouts. Learn to be polite before you
learn how to ask questions.

I know how to be polite. Being polite twice got no response.
Shouting got attention. No one, _including you_, answered before
I shouted. But I am sorry.

Incidentally, if you have no help to offer, why did you followup
to my post? Damn, you'd think I'd advocated child molestation
*and* said something in support of Osama. A sense of proportion
is a useful trait.



Thus spake John Eddy [MSFT]:
PMFJI, but, if you go to Control Panel - Display - Settings - Advanced, what
is the DPI setting set to? If its anything but 'Normal', could you try
setting it to normal and rebooting to see what happens? I've seen some odd
effects when the DPI is set to Large (or anything other than Normal.)

Thank you for jumping in! The DPI was set to Normal (96).
If you clear out a box and type '1234', do you get 1 warning beep or 2? If
you get 1, use the left arrow and see if you can back up to the 1.

Trying '1234', only '12' is entered and I get two beeps. I tried
in all three textboxes. The left arrow moves the cursor back OK.

Thanks for your help.


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