Which VPN!!


Feb 14, 2010
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living in North Germany and as a consequence there is a lot I am missing because of geo rights.
I can get all UK TV through a media box which works OK but is a bit awkward to use.
I am a Top Gear fan and as they are moving to Amazon Prime I want to bne able to watch the UK version
and not this talk over rubbish they have here.

I have been looking at VPNs for a while and still a bit clueless.
It seems that paying is the better option?
To watch Prime on TV what equipment would I need to get.

Any advice appreciated.
I have been looking at VPNs for a while and still a bit clueless.
Not sure if this post is within the forum rules. But anyway I use Zenmate extension in Google Chrome and it works a treat for me ;)
I use to use a VPN but my ISP now seems to block it.
As Evan says you can get round this but not sure it's within the forums rules to say?

Might need Ian or a Mod to decide?
Seems I am causing a problem (not intended).
Is there some thing illegal about VPNs, if there is then let me know because I would not be interested in them.
I have read a few articles from what I believed to be trustworthy sites and there has never been any suggestion of illegality.
I'm not sure on the legality of this, so unless there's anything to suggest it isn't legal then I'm ok with the thread continuing :).
If it's not licenced in your country, then yes, you are breaking the law to use a VPN for access even if, like Netflix, you are paying for the service.

The use of VPN is not illegal.

It is illegal for you to watch the BBC without a licence associated with your country. “Technological Protection Measures” (geoblocked content).

Not sure if this post is within the forum rules. But anyway I use Zenmate extension in Google Chrome and it works a treat for me ;)

Tried that Zenmate in me FF and it works a treat. Makes shopping a real pain if you forget to disable it though. Also even when disabled my Google results are pretty strange. Mind you Google must be baffled as to how I can be in Hong Kong one minute Romania the next and a few moments later I am in the USA followed by Germany and then back home in the UK. I'll have to hide the Star Trek Transporter in case the spooks come looking for it.