When Booting "C:\Windows\System32" Folder opens automatically. Fix



Every time my IBM R50P laptop boots, the folder "C:\Windows\System32" opens
as part of the loading process and I have to close the folder. I have checked
the "Startup" folder and I do not see anything that would launch this action.
How do I fix this problem? It is very annoying.

Stubbo of Oz

Every time my IBM R50P laptop boots, the folder "C:\Windows\System32" opens
as part of the loading process and I have to close the folder. I have checked
the "Startup" folder and I do not see anything that would launch this action.
How do I fix this problem? It is very annoying.

Looks like you haven't tried to Google your problem

Enter "system32 folder opens on boot" in Google search and you will
get about 148,000 references.

Bruce Chambers

NtrBtr said:
Every time my IBM R50P laptop boots, the folder "C:\Windows\System32" opens
as part of the loading process and I have to close the folder. I have checked
the "Startup" folder and I do not see anything that would launch this action.
How do I fix this problem? It is very annoying.

This can be caused by a blank entry, such as can be left behind by
an incomplete program removal, in the
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and/or
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run keys. It can also
be caused by an entry in these same keys that starts with a " / ."

System32 Folder Opens When Logging on to Windows

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot


Every time my IBM R50P laptop boots, the folder "C:\Windows\System32" opens
as part of the loading process and I have to close the folder. I have checked
the "Startup" folder and I do not see anything that would launch this action.
How do I fix this problem? It is very annoying.

Search the registry for an entry, if you are confortable doing that.
Maybe a run or run once entry.

Look at


StartUpLite 1.07 Freeware ($0.00)

Description StartUpLite is a lightweight program that can disable or
remove all known unnecessary startup entries from your computer
and thus quicken the startup procedure of your system.
buddy b

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