What tell's XP to load drivers at start up?




I've been messing about with my Windows XP installation, (Basically
upgraded my motherbaord) I made the fatal mistake of not disabling the
SATA driver off my old installation, so that was my first problem.
However using the recovery console I was able to disable this driver,
so that I could actually get into the Windows XP setup. However it now
hangs when it's installing the drivers.

So I was wondering, Is there any way to make XP boot using MS drivers,
as it would do if XP was installed fresh for the first time on a

Secondly, what decides which drivers to load? Is it in the registry? Or
is it perhaps system.ini (I thought this was no longer used in XP)?? Is
there anyway to edit this, either through the recovercy console or




benje said:

I've been messing about with my Windows XP installation, (Basically
upgraded my motherbaord) I made the fatal mistake of not disabling the
SATA driver off my old installation, so that was my first problem.
However using the recovery console I was able to disable this driver,
so that I could actually get into the Windows XP setup. However it now
hangs when it's installing the drivers.

So I was wondering, Is there any way to make XP boot using MS drivers,
as it would do if XP was installed fresh for the first time on a

Secondly, what decides which drivers to load? Is it in the registry? Or
is it perhaps system.ini (I thought this was no longer used in XP)?? Is
there anyway to edit this, either through the recovercy console or



After replacing a motherboard, it is usually necessary to perform a repair
installation to generate a new (correct) HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer).
"How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install"


Already tried that, it still continued to load the siwinacc.sys driver
(For the SATA Raid system on the old m/b)

Perhaps maybe it looks for third party SATA drivers on the C:\ drive
when its doing its checks (Iike when it asks you if you want to install
any third party drivers at the initial windows installation)???



Bruce Chambers

benje said:

I've been messing about with my Windows XP installation, (Basically
upgraded my motherbaord) I made the fatal mistake of not disabling the
SATA driver off my old installation, so that was my first problem.
However using the recovery console I was able to disable this driver,
so that I could actually get into the Windows XP setup. However it now
hangs when it's installing the drivers.

So I was wondering, Is there any way to make XP boot using MS drivers,
as it would do if XP was installed fresh for the first time on a

Secondly, what decides which drivers to load? Is it in the registry? Or
is it perhaps system.ini (I thought this was no longer used in XP)?? Is
there anyway to edit this, either through the recovercy console or



Normally, and assuming a retail license (many factory-installed OEM
installations are BIOS-locked to a specific chipset and therefore *not*
transferable to a new motherboard - check yours before starting), unless
the new motherboard is virtually identical (same chipset, same IDE
controllers, same BIOS version, etc.) to the one on which the WinXP
installation was originally performed, you'll need to perform a repair
(a.k.a. in-place upgrade) installation, at the very least:

How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Windows XP

Changing a Motherboard or Moving a Hard Drive with WinXP Installed

The "why" is quite simple, really: You've pulled the proverbial
hardware rug out from under the OS. (If you don't like -- or get -- the
rug analogy, think of it as picking up a Cape Cod style home and then
setting it down onto a Ranch style foundation. It just isn't going to
fit.) WinXP, like Win2K before it, is not nearly as "promiscuous" as
Win9x when it comes to accepting any old hardware configuration you
throw at it. On installation it "tailors" itself to the specific
hardware found. This is one of the reasons that the entire WinNT/2K/XP
OS family is so much more stable than the Win9x group.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Bruce Chambers

benje said:
Already tried that, it still continued to load the siwinacc.sys driver
(For the SATA Raid system on the old m/b)

Perhaps maybe it looks for third party SATA drivers on the C:\ drive
when its doing its checks (Iike when it asks you if you want to install
any third party drivers at the initial windows installation)???

Very early in the boot process, just after having booted from the WinXP
CD, the screen will display the words to the effect: "Setup is examining
your system." Press <F6> when this happens, and have the *motherboard
manufacturer's* WinXP-specific drivers for your SATA controller
available on a floppy disk.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

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