What is wrong with my Shutdown?



Hello Everyone.

I was puzzled by shutdown of Windows XP.

When I shutdown my computer from "Start-->Shutdown my computer", I
experienced a long time on waiting "Shutdown" while a blue face of Windows

I have already turn off "Clear Pagefiles when shutdown" by regedit.

And also I installed User Profile Clean , but I can't find any errors when I
view system events by using eventvwr.msc.

What is matter? How can I moniter this?

Thanks so much.


Try running shutdown from the command prompt using the -f switch to force it
to close apps. Does this improve things?

If so, then start closing open apps before you shutdown (through the
Processes tab of Task Manager) until you find the one that's causing the hang.

Then remove it and either leave it out or reinstall the latest updated

- John


KeJiaLi said:
Hello Everyone.

I was puzzled by shutdown of Windows XP.

When I shutdown my computer from "Start-->Shutdown my computer", I
experienced a long time on waiting "Shutdown" while a blue face of
Windows XP.

I have already turn off "Clear Pagefiles when shutdown" by regedit.

And also I installed User Profile Clean , but I can't find any errors
when I view system events by using eventvwr.msc.

What is matter? How can I moniter this?

Thanks so much.

Try using 'regedit' and change to the following:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]




Hello Everyone.

I was puzzled by shutdown of Windows XP.

When I shutdown my computer from "Start-->Shutdown my computer", I
experienced a long time on waiting "Shutdown" while a blue face of Windows

I have already turn off "Clear Pagefiles when shutdown" by regedit.

And also I installed User Profile Clean , but I can't find any errors when
I view system events by using eventvwr.msc.

What is matter? How can I moniter this?

Take a look at this shutdown troubleshooter.

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