What increased my file size from 2mb to 5mb in a week?



I didn't add any macros, just maybe30-40 extra rows of information. I
am filling up each cell with at least a paragraph of information
though and am adding hyperlinks, is that what does it?. I have files
that have a ton more information that this that are half the size so
it must be something I'm doing differently with this current file.
What are some of the things that really bulk up the size of an excel
file that I can avoid?


I didn't add any macros, just maybe30-40 extra rows of information. I
am filling up each cell with at least a paragraph of information
though and am adding hyperlinks, is that what does it?. I have files
that have a ton more information that this that are half the size so
it must be something I'm doing differently with this current file.
What are some of the things that really bulk up the size of an excel
file that I can avoid?

ahhh, I found it, I just cut out 5 formulas and that shaved 3mb off of
the size. That seems weird that a formula would cause such a file size
increase, is that normal?


What formulae did you get rid of?


ahhh, I found it, I just cut out 5 formulas and that shaved 3mb off of
the size. That seems weird that a formula would cause such a file size
increase, is that normal?


I created 5 formulas to help sort some zip codes like this:



Rather than including the "hard values" that you wish to match as part of
your function, you may want to consider creating a "table" (list) of the
values on a separate tab and use the following formula instead to check for a


where A1 is a cell on your data spreadsheet that you are trying to match and
Table is the range of the values established on your Table tab.

This formula will return blank ("") when no match can be found or the value
in the Table when a match can be found.

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