What does expire mean?



What does expire mean?

I hope it doesn't mean that i'll have to pay afer the

Or does it mean they'll be launching a new free verison?

Bill Sanderson

It means that the present downloaded version stops working.

They've said recently that they hope to distribute some form of update which
will extend that date. And, presumably later, beta2. Eventually, there
will be a final version which will be available free to licensed Windows


when are they planning to release the final version, is
it possible that there going to release the final version
along side with the Window oncecare on 2006 with support
or IE 7.


(e-mail address removed) formulated the question :
when are they planning to release the final version, is
it possible that there going to release the final version
along side with the Window oncecare on 2006 with support
or IE 7.


This is from Steve Dodson MSFT

"We have not announced timing of RTW, and we are still planning a beta
2. And
while I am here dispelling rumors, we are also aware of the July 31
and are working on an update to extend that date."

Over and out.......

Bill Sanderson

It's clear that the timing is some distance into the future--far enough that
they haven't said! It's also clear that antispyware capabilities will be a
component of OneCare, and I would also expect that the integration of IE
into this product won't lessen with the release of IE7. So those thoughts
make sense to me. OTOH, it is clear at this point that IE7 won't be
available for Windows 2000, and I expect that Antispyware will be, fwiw.


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