WD Update w/new engine



WD AutoUpdater Download and Install wiht out any problem.
Definition Update 1.14.1358.2

WD v. 1.1.1051.0
New Engine v. 1.1.1303.0
Signature v. 1.14.1358.2

Bill Sanderson MVP

Did you have any problems before the March 23rd update?

I haven't on my home machines. I've had a few machines have trouble once in
offices-no repeats, and kb 915105 has fixed all but one of them.


Hi Bill,

XP home SP2 all patches in place

I never have any problems. Except a small problem related with the date, on
the first day with WD (Feb 14?)

So far so good. (cross my fingers, and knock in wood)


Vince here. I have downloaded this evening the Definition Update
1.14.1538.2 this evening with no dificulties. This is the first time i have
been able to download any WD Updates with no difficulties. But, I have
uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2003 Standard and when I went to "Check
for Updates" in the Microsoft .com site ,it doesn't work. I guess WD knocked
out the .msp files for good. I am able to Update Office 2003 Standard by
using" Microsoft Updates" but it would be nice to also have it work as
intended in "Check for updates" part of the microsoft.com site.


No change with installation of new definitions still had to use windows
install cleaner, before update was recognised, on both machines ! otherwise
the alert shield as always just keeps returning !

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