Wake up from Standby Question


Richard McCoy

Does anyone know of a way to have the computer "wake up" from stand by or
hibernation at a particular time? This would be to run a back up or virus
scan in the middle of the night. I haven't found anything in the "scheduled
task" help screens on the subject.


I think this is really determined by the BIOS of the motherboard, NORMALLY.
If it a new(ish) motherboard. then entering it's set-up ( perhaps del of F1
as it starts) will allow you you to set an area called 'wake-up from RTC or
real time clock'. Inb essence this tells the computer to statr up at a given
time of day. You then need to schedule a tak shortly after this time., and it
will run. Otherwise it will run next time you start the computer which is not
what you want.

hope it helps.

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