VS2005 and CF1.1, 2.0


Tim Johnson

I'm hearing and reading conflicting reports about how to use VisualStudio
2005 and CF:

1. To develop with CF2.0 and SQLMobile you can only use VS2005
2. VS2005 can NOT build for CF1.1 targets
3. VS2005 can NOT co-exist with VS2003 on the same machine

So it sounds like if I need to develop both CF1.1 apps (with VS2003) and
CF2.0 apps (with VS2005), I need 2 different machines because I can't have
VS2003 and VS2005 on the same box at the same time?

Also does anyone know if there are any issues using OpenNETCF 2.0
dlls/source on a CF2.0 device?

Tim Johnson
High Point Software, Inc.
(503) 312-8625

Daniel Moth

Statements 2 and 3 are not true (btw, there is no CF 1.1 but I understand
you mean CF 1.0).

No issues so far with SDF and CF 2.0


Tim Johnson

My mistake, I meant CF 1.0. And thanks for the clarification. This
conflicts with some of the info in the dvd's and site info which is why I
thought I should ask first. For example, installing the VS2005 beta2 dvd
from last week's Vegas show it says "Step 1. Remove all other copies of
Visual Studio before you install". It doesn't say VS2005 pre-beta2 copies,
it just says all copies of VS. Likewise several colleagues said they
couldn't find the CF1.0 target in the IDE, but maybe they weren't looking in
the right place.

If I can have both VS's co-exist though I'll take my chances and see what
works. Thanks again.


Tim Johnson
High Point Software, Inc.
(503) 312-8625

Steve Maillet \(eMVP\)

remember VS2005 is still a Beta and as such should NOT be used on a
production system - they are notorious for not properly uninstalling and
causing serious headaches when trying to install the final released version
afterwards. When it finally does release side by side will be supported.


Hi Tim,

on my workstation both versions of VS (2003 and 2005 B2) are running.
This gives me absolutly no problems!!
And to make the things a little more difficult - the VS 2003 is a german version :)

The only thing NOT WORKING is the deployment with the embedded visual tools.
Their connection manager is not able to connect after the insallation of VS 2005 beta.
But that was written in one of the Readme's.

So the only negative thing is that I have to deploy EVT things manually.
Not a bit problem since I primaryly write dlls with it.
And since they are very small an straight I have no need to debug them (which is also not working).

Embedded Visual Tools can not connect with devices.
VS 2003 runs without problems - also mobile app deploy and can be debugged.
VS 2005 B2 also runs without problems.
AND VS Project Files have a new icon showing the version.
So if I dblclick an old project VS 2003 comes up, and for the 8.0s the B2 runs.

BUT there can be sideeffects when uninstaling one of these products.
So I aware, that at the time RTM will come - I may have to setup the whole machine ;-)

And I installed ALL the things from VS 2003 I could ever need because I'm not very shure,
what happends if I have to run the VS 2003 setup which doesn't know anything about 2005.



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