Voluntary Vista Virus



if a virus is a software that makes your PC unusable....
then I must ask>>> WHAT IS VISTA?

Its a VVV = Voluntary Vista Virus.

You install Vista, nothing works, you format and install XP, everything
works again :)

XP Like all high technology, its like magic! It works! ha!


Apart from the fact that when you install vista - everything works. When you
install xp nothing works. XP doesn't have enough drivers as standard and
can't even handle RAID without having a disk with drivers on them

You must have a really cheap and slow computer if you can't get vista to


Apart from the fact that when you install vista

LOL you must be in the mood for humor, I can forgive you.. but don't say
that in front of the MILLIONS WHO HATE vista because they will lynch you.
You must have a really cheap and slow computer if you can't get vista to

yeah sure I do.. even on dual core with 2 gigs vista is a fast as a
hibernating slug.

Tell me Sir.. have you tried XP or even Win2k on your current hardware to
see how fast they are compared to vista????
Or are you using vista on a new machine and you are comparing with XP on an
old machine?

Topping WinMe was not easy, but Vista did it!

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"You install Vista, nothing works..."
FALSE, like much of what you post.
Windows Vista works for my computers and many others proving your
statement FALSE.

Like past operating systems, it is not expected that everything will
work, but much will.
If nothing of Windows Vista works for you look to your hardware and
If they are OK, then PEBKAC.


Yeah yeah.. we know already. My summary for you:

MVP rule number 1
Vista works for me therefore you are stupid

MVP rule number 2
Its always your fault or your hardware's fault, never vista's fault, since
it is a holy creation.

MVP rule number 3
Forget what most people in the world are saying about vista, monkey no hear,
see, and speak only propaganda.

MVP official emblem: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/2897/34513xb5.jpg

(note: there are some good mvps.. but I have seen none in the vista

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Vista works for me therefore you are stupid"
Fine with me if that is what you think of yourself, but I NEVER said
any such thing.
But that fact does not suit your agenda.

"Its always your fault or your hardware's fault, never vista's fault"
I NEVER said that either.
The "always" and "never" give away your own propaganda as you again
attempt to misrepresent what is said by those you disagree.

"Forget what most people in the world..."
Please post a source for this vague statistic of yours.
Or is it just more fiction you need to support whatever fantasy suits
your wants?


I had been dual booting XP & Vista on this computer for 6 months... dual
core e6600, 2 gigs... but XP was getting serious boot problems. For games,
xp did give better fps results until nvidia sorted out there drivers.

Vista boots quicker than xp did and programs load as fast, if not faster
than in xp. Unlike yourself I am not a fanboy of an operating system (how
sad are you??) and if xp worked better I would have stuck with that but it
doesn't (how can you seriously be a fan of an operating system? get out more
& watch sports). I even went down the route of installing the Vista
Transformation Packs & Windows Blinds but in the end saw no good reason to
keep xp with vista installed. (Do you even go out or do people just point &
laugh at you because of your XP t-shirt?)

Bill Yanaire

Tiberius said:
if a virus is a software that makes your PC unusable....
then I must ask>>> WHAT IS VISTA?

Vista is something beyond your comprehension.
Its a VVV = Voluntary Vista Virus.

You install Vista, nothing works, you format and install XP, everything
works again :)

You should attempt to install DOS 6.2 on your system. Anything else you
will just be lost.
XP Like all high technology, its like magic! It works! ha!

Again, stick to DOS 6.2. You will be much happier there.


me a fanboy?

Give me a linux that works with the apps I need and I will switch in a

I would gladly run Mac OSx if I didnt have to buy a Mac to do it..

how can you call me a fanboy when I was waiting for vista to be good???



I have been with microsoft since DOS, I have been using computers long
before DOS existed.... not once have I complained about any MS products....
in fact I am a grand supporter of Microsoft over all.

I have used windows since 3.0, using all versions accept NT.... and the
portable versions of windows (windows CE)

I have also run out of interest versions windows 1. x and windows 2.x of
course in a far later time than their production date.

I undestand what MS has done for the world. It is this high standard I want
them to keep.


Tibery-OS said:
me a fanboy?

Give me a linux that works with the apps I need and I will switch in a

Switch to what, a brick space ship? Isn't your aluminum beanie just a
little too tight?
I would gladly run Mac OSx if I didnt have to buy a Mac to do it..

Hahaha...well, if you really knew what you were doing you could run MAC
on an X86.
how can you call me a fanboy when I was waiting for vista to be good???

Well, too bad bozo, I guess the train left the station without you.


Hahaha...well, if you really knew what you were doing you could run MAC on

Frank you are stupid.... the new macs run on x86 intel chips..

how ignorant are you gesh!!!! You win the award for most ignorant poster of

It is the fact that they need mac hardware to install. The OS is "locked" on
mac hardware and will not install normally on a PC.

Have I hacked MacOS to run on a PC? YES!!! I have done that you ignorant
baboon brained, smuck, dork, jackash, retarded fool, dumash, monkey tailed,
treeswinging, fuktard!

But I did not like the result of this hack...

Plus its not legal to do that!



Tibery-OS said:
Frank you are stupid.... the new macs run on x86 intel chips..

Fukk...that went right over your head!
how ignorant are you gesh!!!! You win the award for most ignorant poster of

It is the fact that they need mac hardware to install. The OS is "locked" on
mac hardware and will not install normally on a PC.

hehehe...you're really that uninformed and stupid aren't you?
I guess that cardboard space ship ain't going anywhere, huh.


Tibery-OS said:
Frank you are stupid.... the new macs run on x86 intel chips..

how ignorant are you gesh!!!! You win the award for most ignorant poster
of the

It is the fact that they need mac hardware to install. The OS is "locked"
on mac hardware and will not install normally on a PC.

Have I hacked MacOS to run on a PC? YES!!! I have done that you ignorant
baboon brained, smuck, dork, jackash, retarded fool, dumash, monkey
tailed, treeswinging, fuktard!

But I did not like the result of this hack...

Plus its not legal to do that!


US? You got a hamster in your pocket?
Or is that just your hand.

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