I know that the quotas assigned in a NTFS Volume are
individually assigned to each user on the network. Could
be a way to assign a general quota on a volume ? ... I
mean, the quotas on windows 2000 are "user based" where
the system assigns a disk space limit to each user, but I
need to know if this assignment could be general, so the
OS only checks the space used on the volume and warns or
blocks the access when the volume quota is reached.
individually assigned to each user on the network. Could
be a way to assign a general quota on a volume ? ... I
mean, the quotas on windows 2000 are "user based" where
the system assigns a disk space limit to each user, but I
need to know if this assignment could be general, so the
OS only checks the space used on the volume and warns or
blocks the access when the volume quota is reached.