Volume Control Missing after WinXP Update



Yesterday WinXP Home did an automatic update. When I restarted the system
the sound volume control was missing. Upon trying to restore it received the
error message that the control software was not installed - please go to
add/remove and install it. IO did some searching and discovered that
sndvol32.exe was misssing. I put it back in the Sys32 file but no control.
I have not check other functions to see what else may have been corrupted
during the update. In any event one step at a time. How do I reinstall the
lost sound control beyond making sure that the exe file is present/

Thanks, tj


=?Utf-8?B?dGo=?= said:
Yesterday WinXP Home did an automatic update. When I restarted the system
the sound volume control was missing. Upon trying to restore it received the

Uninstall the update

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You Receive an
Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Yesterday WinXP Home did an automatic update. When I restarted the system
the sound volume control was missing. Upon trying to restore it received
error message that the control software was not installed - please go to
add/remove and install it. IO did some searching and discovered that
sndvol32.exe was misssing. I put it back in the Sys32 file but no control.
I have not check other functions to see what else may have been corrupted
during the update. In any event one step at a time. How do I reinstall the
lost sound control beyond making sure that the exe file is present/

Thanks, tj


Tks. I found this fix but chose instead to just put sndvol32 into the sys32
Didn't work so I did the expand per your suggestion and it worked fine.

tks. Next time I'll follow the instrcuctions more completely.


Ramesh, MS-MVP

You're welcome tj.


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Tks. I found this fix but chose instead to just put sndvol32 into the sys32
Didn't work so I did the expand per your suggestion and it worked fine.

tks. Next time I'll follow the instrcuctions more completely.



You think it's acceptable for us, the XP users, to have to go through this
every time we install one of your blasted updates? It's insane. "Install
this update, it'll make your pc more secure, but may mess up your pc a bit,
and you'll have to follow a few complicated instructions to get back to
something approaching normality". Umm, great.


Tim.T said:
You think it's acceptable for us, the XP users, to have to go through this
every time we install one of your blasted updates? It's insane. "Install
this update, it'll make your pc more secure, but may mess up your pc a bit,
and you'll have to follow a few complicated instructions to get back to

You're not talking to MS here. This newsgroup is on an MS server but
all the posters here are volunteers and not MS employees. Occasionally
one will post here but on their own.


I have a similar problem. After an update to my Microsoft Lifecam webcam
which took forever to install because it also installed Framework 3 service
pack one and something named CardSpace. It didn't let me cancel the
installation after I realized I was getting more than I wanted. Why I needed
close to 300 MB of update simply to improve my Webcam 1000 I'll never know.

On reboot, the sound icon was gone. I went to Control Panel/Sound and
restored it to the tray. This morning on bootup, it was missing again. The
item is still checked to "show in tray," clicking on the Windows System file,
sndvol32.exe, will bring up the program as does Control
Panel/Sounds/Volume/Advanced. There is no problem with the program, just
that the icon is gone.

I would like to uninstall all and revert to the original software that came
with the camera....but two things stop me. 1. The original software was
extremely flaky...it kept attempting to reinstall itself every time I wanted
to change resolutions. 2. I found Framework 3 in Uninstall Programs, but no
where do I see CardSpace. I don't want to uninstall one and leave something
that might cause a bigger problem. I’m hoping this is the only ‘problem’ the
update has caused.

If anyone has had this problem and can offer input, I would welcome it.

hank You


Appreciate all your efforts to help.....great site....I've bookmarked it.

Unfortunately, none of the suggestions fixed the mystery of the disappearing
icon. I did find the following in the XP Help Files and perhaps the update
changed something.

"If your sound card volume can be changed using software, a speaker
icon appears in the notification area."

I can still use the mute and volume keys on my keyboard so it's more of a
puzzle than a problem at this point. As I mentioned previously, as long as
this is the extent of the damage, I can life with it.

Thanks, again!


OK. This is more than strange. I have a mirror image of my hard drive with
incremental backups. I opened an image from May of this year and copied the
file ‘sndvol32.exe’ from the Windows System 32 Folder, and then deleted the
same file on my hard drive and replaced it with the one from my external

I went to Control Panel/Sound, unchecked show icon on tray, clicked apply
and Ok, closed the box then reopened and checked the show icon, apply and OK.
The icon immediately appeared in the tray.

I rebooted, and the icon was gone again. As I said, the program is working
thru a shortcut, but the icon has a mind of its own.

At this point, I would love to get rid of the 300 MB update if only I could
find everything it installed/changed.

Thanks for you input.


Isn't the update in the Add and Remove Programs?? You have to check the Show
updates box on the Add and Remove Icon.



Yes, no problem there, but this monster took a half hour to download and
install on a fast cable connection. It is well over 300 MB. Before the
update I had Framework 1.

Today, I found Framework 2 and 3 in Uninstall Programs, but no
where do I see CardSpace, which came as yet another patch to what was
already installed.

I don't want to uninstall one and leave something
that might cause a bigger problem.


CardSpace is installed with Framework 3.
Windows Update KB925720. Make a restore point and uninstall it.



"PaulM" wrote:

I created a restore point. Uninstalled Framework 3. At this point, the
Microsoft Life Cam was rendered useless so I uninstalled it and reinstalled
the original software.

The Volume icon remains hidden, but I can work around this minor

A most sincere thank you for your time and help on this.

CardSpace is installed with Framework 3.

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