I’m having a problem with a VLOOKUP formula that’s not working and I could
use some help. Here’s an example of my problem.
File 1:
A1 (name): Bob Weir
B1 (sales): $100,000
File 2:
A1 (name): Bob Weir
B1(state): California
C1(vlookup to File 1): I’m trying to bring in the $100,000 from File 1 for
Bob Weir.
Here’s the troubleshooting I’ve done so far:
1.I’ve used the =Len formula to make sure that there are no spaces after the
name and each cell has the same number of characters.
2.I’ve tried to use both the General and Text format for both A1 cells and
the VLOOKUP doesn’t work with either format.
3.When I take cell A1 and Copy -> Paste Special -> Values cell A1 from File
1 to cell A1 of File 2, then my VLOOKUP works. Unfortunately, this isn’t a
solution because I have a lot of rows and the names are not in the same order
in the two files.
From the troubleshooting I’ve done, it looks the values aren’t really equal
in the various A1 cells but they appear identical. Any thoughts on how to fix
my VLOOKUP? Thanks in advance for your help.
use some help. Here’s an example of my problem.
File 1:
A1 (name): Bob Weir
B1 (sales): $100,000
File 2:
A1 (name): Bob Weir
B1(state): California
C1(vlookup to File 1): I’m trying to bring in the $100,000 from File 1 for
Bob Weir.
Here’s the troubleshooting I’ve done so far:
1.I’ve used the =Len formula to make sure that there are no spaces after the
name and each cell has the same number of characters.
2.I’ve tried to use both the General and Text format for both A1 cells and
the VLOOKUP doesn’t work with either format.
3.When I take cell A1 and Copy -> Paste Special -> Values cell A1 from File
1 to cell A1 of File 2, then my VLOOKUP works. Unfortunately, this isn’t a
solution because I have a lot of rows and the names are not in the same order
in the two files.
From the troubleshooting I’ve done, it looks the values aren’t really equal
in the various A1 cells but they appear identical. Any thoughts on how to fix
my VLOOKUP? Thanks in advance for your help.