Vista's helpful pop up messages...


Frank Bright

Hi -
I'm on Windows Visa Hpr 32-bit. I've searched this question on the forum and
I see others have asked it but I didn't see any answers, so I thought it was
worth a try asking myself.

Is there any way to get rid of Vista's helpful pop up messages - like these:
'See Blocked Startup Programs', 'Activity Area has changed', 'See Updates
Vista has installed' etc etc....

They didn't bother me at all at first and in fact, when I saw posts about
them on this forum, I thought 'Why would they upset anybody?' But I guess
over time, it does wear one out, so to speak. So now I'm over them I guess.

I appreciate any assistance or help. Many Thanks, Frank B.

Andrew McLaren

Hi Frank,

You can turn them off, although the place to do it is bloody hard to find.

Go to Control Panel, Ease of Use, Make it easier to focus on tasks. Go down
to the "adjust time limits and flashing visuals" area. Check the checkbox to
"Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)". Hit Save. This should
stop most of the pop-up messages (as the text hinted, I think there are some
messages you just can't kill - but hopefully they will be bearable, after
this change).

Hope it helps,

Frank Bright

Andrew McLaren said:
Hi Frank,

You can turn them off, although the place to do it is bloody hard to find.

Go to Control Panel, Ease of Use, Make it easier to focus on tasks. Go
down to the "adjust time limits and flashing visuals" area. Check the
checkbox to "Turn off all unnecessary animations (when possible)". Hit
Save. This should stop most of the pop-up messages (as the text hinted, I
think there are some messages you just can't kill - but hopefully they
will be bearable, after this change).

Hope it helps,

Thanks Andrew, I'll give it a shot.

Frank B.

Frank Bright

Thanks Andrew for the helpful suggestion. Btw, I posted a 'Thank You' before
this and it didn't make it
into the forum for some reason,....Frank B.

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