Vista Upgrade - Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear


Shane Nokes


I live near campus and can check this story out.

What division did you work for and who was your PM?

Zim Babwe

What story do you need to check out and why? Don't believe me? I don't
care, and I'm not going to give out personal information on the web anyway.

Shane Nokes

I don't need personal information.

I'm just asking who your PM was.

Heck even your MS alias would work.

That or heck even if you could possibly tell me what building Steptoe is in,
or perhaps where the Millennium Group building is in relation to the other
campus buildings.

That way no personally identifiable information is being passed on.

Also I wouldn't say it's a matter of disbelief, more one of skepticism due
to the way you say certain things.

It just doesn't sound like you've ever been on the inside.


john said:
as many are discovering, UA is flawed, it's more of a marketing tool than
anything else.

UA can tell you if something you are running and that is in its database is
NOT compatible. Believe it. But it cannot tell you if any given piece of
software/hardware in the universe IS compatible. So don't expect that.



Frankster said:
UA can tell you if something you are running and that is in its database
is NOT compatible. Believe it. But it cannot tell you if any given piece
of software/hardware in the universe IS compatible. So don't expect that.

Right, if UA says something is NOT compatible, you CAN believe it.
And if it says a piece of hardware IS compatible, you can NOT believe it.

That was -exactly- my point. It was also my experience. 4 times

"If you can't make it good, at least make it look good."
- Bill Gates


Actually I believe until recently (maybe even now?) the space shuttles were
still using Commodore 64s to run some of their processing tasks! They're
probably still more reliable than Vista would be!



Ah... but... it never ever tells you anything IS compatible. Never. Don't
think for one minute that just because it doesn't show on the bad list that
it is okay. It just means it might be okay. But... not okay is definitely
not okay.


Shane Nokes

A relative of mine worked for NASA as a computer engineer for quite

The shuttles use custom built hardware with custom-built OS'es.

They've never used Commodores *rolls eyes*


Frankster said:
Ah... but... it never ever tells you anything IS compatible. Never. Don't
think for one minute that just because it doesn't show on the bad list
that it is okay. It just means it might be okay. But... not okay is
definitely not okay.

....right, which is why it's just a marketing tool.
they package it however, to be somethign much more "official".
Users are being told left and right here to use this thing.

look at the software lists for a minute:
Microsoft released TWO Vista-Compatible Logo Lists (for software

There's the "Certified for Windows Vista" List, then there's the "Works with
Windows Vista" List.

The first one pretty much guarantees it will work in Vista, while the second
only IMPLIES that it MIGHT.

RE: the Upgrade Advisor, you said " never ever tells you anything IS
OK, but it definitely DOES tell you "...No Issues were detected for these

Saying "we didn't see anything" is not the same as "it will work", I agree.
But where I come from we have a saying, "Not telling the whole truth is the
same thing as lying"

iow, Marketing.

Adam Albright

A relative of mine worked for NASA as a computer engineer for quite

The shuttles use custom built hardware with custom-built OS'es.

They've never used Commodores *rolls eyes*

That was obvious a joke.


Ah... but... it never ever tells you anything IS compatible. Never. Don't
...right, which is why it's just a marketing tool.

Well, I disagree. I think it is better than nothing. The fact of the matter
is that the responsibility for any OS change rests with the owner. Period,
pretty much. Some of us have been through many OS changes (not only MS).
Some of us haven't. The ones that have been through many OS changes already
know this. The ones that haven't, don't.



However, I can also assure you that MS has made tremendous inroads into
Now, that is real scary

Under controlled conditions, the MS OS is fine. They keyword is controlled.
This means no non-MS software other than mission-specific custom software.



No change in my statement. Changing an OS is a major risk. Always was and
always will be. Just becuase your situation worked out does not mean there
was not major risk.


Nina DiBoy

Shane said:
A relative of mine worked for NASA as a computer engineer for quite

The shuttles use custom built hardware with custom-built OS'es.

They've never used Commodores *rolls eyes*

I thought the shuttles ran on 08086 or 286 hardware? I could totally be
wrong, just something I read somewhere. :)

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"DRM is not added to anything in Vista."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot

Shane Nokes

That would be computers inside of Mission Control.

The shuttles have always been custom-built from the ground up.

As for people saying it's a joke I realize that, but on here people post all
kinds of erroneous crap.

It's really exhausting trying to correct it all :p


Shane Nokes said:
..people post all kinds of erroneous crap.

It's really exhausting trying to correct it all :p

I think I speak for us all when I say that you're doing a fantastic job.
I can't imagine these NG's sustaining themselves without all the hard work
and dedication of guys like you.
We appreciate it.

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