I have placed 4 movie objects on one of my slides. The first two play
correctly. For instance, when they are running, when you click on them they
stop. If you click on them again they resume running. If while stopped, you
double click on them, the presentation reverts back to where you were on the
prior slide. And all of this is exactly what I want all of my movies to do.
However, the 3rd movie, when you click on it while it is running, simply
jumps back to the begining and starts playing all over again. And there's no
way to stop it short of hitting the escape key. In other words you can
double click all you want and it will simply keep starting over.
The 4th movie has it's own problems and doesn't behave right either.
I ask you to help me understand what I need to do to make my movies behave
like the first two. That is...
Pause while being single clicked.
Resume after being paused by single click.
And return to the presentation slide after being double clicked.
Thanks for you assistance in this!!
correctly. For instance, when they are running, when you click on them they
stop. If you click on them again they resume running. If while stopped, you
double click on them, the presentation reverts back to where you were on the
prior slide. And all of this is exactly what I want all of my movies to do.
However, the 3rd movie, when you click on it while it is running, simply
jumps back to the begining and starts playing all over again. And there's no
way to stop it short of hitting the escape key. In other words you can
double click all you want and it will simply keep starting over.
The 4th movie has it's own problems and doesn't behave right either.
I ask you to help me understand what I need to do to make my movies behave
like the first two. That is...
Pause while being single clicked.
Resume after being paused by single click.
And return to the presentation slide after being double clicked.
Thanks for you assistance in this!!