User can't search for and find tasks she just added in another mai


Tony Law

She has access to another mailbox and has been able to add Tasks for a while
in that mailbox and assign them to others. For about the last week, she can
still add them but when she searches the Tasks, she can't find them. She can
scroll down and find them, but when she puts in a term to search for them, it
doesn't find them. For example, she just today entered a Task with the word
"Brown" in the subject but if she searches for the word "Brown," it doesn't
find it. It also has the term "SOP" in the subject. She searches for "SOP"
and finds another Task she entered a while ago but not the one she added
today. What's weird is she can scroll down and see the Task in question, she
just gets no results when she searches for it. Any ideas why?

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