USB Printer Installation Problem



I have tried to install 2 brands of USB printers, the
Canon i9100 and the HP PhotoSmart 7960. In both cases
(following the directions explicitly) the pc sees the new
hardware but cannot complete the installation. I have
spent hours on the phone with tech support for both
printers. They are stumped.

The error for the HP is as follows:
Cannot Install This Hardware
There was a problem installing this hardware
photosmart 7900 Series (USBPRINT)
An error occurred during installation of the device.
The required section was not found in the INF.

I have cleaned out the drivers, unistalled the USB,
everything I can think of. I have also disabled all
startup programs. What is really perplexing about this is
that I have tried this on XP Pro, and W2000 pc's at my
office and it gets the same error###!@#@# If anyone has a
suggestion, please let me know.

Thank you for your time.


I am having the same problem while adding the photosmart 7960. When I get to the part of finding the usbprint, I had to search for it on my harddrive and select the location of where that file was at. But when it finished adding, I still had an error - it said that the printer couldnt be added because the usb port was unspecified. I called HP - they said it was an os/driver issue or set up issue in XP. So I am paying my $35 to get Microsoft to evaluate it and see what I am doing wrong. Any ideas from here please?


Ah the land of the USB. A Domain Microsoft went kicking and screaming into.
You disconnect your printerthen need to also go into the system folder and delete all of your com ports. Dont worry Your boot file will recognize the coms and assign them. The com ports were an issue in NT Server with 3com modems. 3com taught me this trick. Oh Turn of the unit. Plug in the printer.Turn on and watch and wait for the printer to be recognized.

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