[Update] FireTune v1.1.1


Captain Video

FireTune for Mozilla Firefox v1.x was developed for an easy and fast
optimization of your browsing experience with Firefox. It is based on
a collection of popular and well working optimization settings used
and tested by the experts. Usually you have to optimize Firefox
manually, which can be time consuming and difficult for the novice
user. FireTune helps you here - it includes all the performance
optimizations. The only thing you must do is: make your selection.
FireTune does the work for you.

What does FireTune do?

According to your specific computer speed and internet connection
speed, FireTune will optimize several internal settings of Firefox for
better performance. FireTune does NOT modify the Firefox executable,
or any other Firefox binary file. Everything can be undone easily
provided you saved your original profile configuration file with
FireTune's profile backup feature before. Details on what exactly
FireTune does can be found in the FireTune helpfile."

FireTune is available for free. A free download link can be found
further below on the bottom of this page. Please note that we do not
offer product support for this product. Please read the included
helpfile for further information.

FireTune version history:
v1.1.1 - April 11th 2006 - Improvements, Feature addition

*Some changes to the main performance tweaks - please re-apply the
optimizations for your specific hardware configuration
*A new tweak included to optimize Firefox' memory usage
*A few internal optimizations and performance improvements

Download Page:


Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer

FireTune for Mozilla Firefox v1.x was developed for an easy and fast
optimization of your browsing experience with Firefox. It is based on
a collection of popular and well working optimization settings used
and tested by the experts. Usually you have to optimize Firefox
manually, which can be time consuming and difficult for the novice
user. FireTune helps you here - it includes all the performance
optimizations. The only thing you must do is: make your selection.
FireTune does the work for you.

What does FireTune do?

According to your specific computer speed and internet connection
speed, FireTune will optimize several internal settings of Firefox for
better performance. FireTune does NOT modify the Firefox executable,
or any other Firefox binary file. Everything can be undone easily
provided you saved your original profile configuration file with
FireTune's profile backup feature before. Details on what exactly
FireTune does can be found in the FireTune helpfile."

FireTune is available for free. A free download link can be found
further below on the bottom of this page. Please note that we do not
offer product support for this product. Please read the included
helpfile for further information.

FireTune version history:
v1.1.1 - April 11th 2006 - Improvements, Feature addition

*Some changes to the main performance tweaks - please re-apply the
optimizations for your specific hardware configuration
*A new tweak included to optimize Firefox' memory usage
*A few internal optimizations and performance improvements

Download Page:


Does FireTune do anything over and above the Fasterfox extension which
I already have installed?


Captain Video


Unfortunately, the below download sites are still hosting FireTune
v1.1.0 where I assumed v1.1.1 was being delivered. v1.1.1 is what
FireTune/home and joint download sites *say* is being delivered when
not at all. I always hate it when they do this! A bugger, and pisser,
yes, though both words of disapproval have different meanings for US
and Brit ACF denizens, with an etymological bias towards my Oklahoma
upbringing. Anyway, I found *the* download site/link where v1.1.1 can
be found, as of 4/13/06. Here it is:
NOTE! Click the Softpedia Mirror (RO) site *ONLY*, not the (US) link
above it which still delivers v1.1.0. Softpedia Mirror (RO) gets it,
with "1.1.1" shown before the .exe extension. Note: Downloading
through Opera/Firefox browsers *doesn't work* as they took me to a 403
"forbidden" page but using an IE/shell does get the download. Why the
discrepancy? Who the freak knows! This thing is getting more complex
by the second. It's like losing control of the 'containment rods' at a
Nuclear Power plant where all I want is to have the red spinning
lights turn off or I might turn into 'Jack Lemmon' screaming about
"meltdown" if the sirens continue..

Direct download of FireTune 1.1.1 (fingers crossed)

There. Now the below is complete. I hate post production 'legwork'
that wasn't anticipated. As Ma always said on the farm: "life isn't
easy", and that we should sometimes expect difficulties out of "left
field", though she never played baseball, which was good advice long
before I left Oklahoma for good to start working at 'The Daily

Captain Video

Daze N. Knights

Captain said:

Unfortunately, the below download sites are still hosting FireTune
v1.1.0 where I assumed v1.1.1 was being delivered. v1.1.1 is what
FireTune/home and joint download sites *say* is being delivered when
not at all. I always hate it when they do this! A bugger, and pisser,
yes, though both words of disapproval have different meanings for US
and Brit ACF denizens, with an etymological bias towards my Oklahoma
upbringing. Anyway, I found *the* download site/link where v1.1.1 can
be found, as of 4/13/06. Here it is:
NOTE! Click the Softpedia Mirror (RO) site *ONLY*, not the (US) link
above it which still delivers v1.1.0. Softpedia Mirror (RO) gets it,
with "1.1.1" shown before the .exe extension. Note: Downloading
through Opera/Firefox browsers *doesn't work* as they took me to a 403
"forbidden" page but using an IE/shell does get the download. Why the
discrepancy? Who the freak knows! This thing is getting more complex
by the second. It's like losing control of the 'containment rods' at a
Nuclear Power plant where all I want is to have the red spinning
lights turn off or I might turn into 'Jack Lemmon' screaming about
"meltdown" if the sirens continue..

Direct download of FireTune 1.1.1 (fingers crossed)

There. Now the below is complete. I hate post production 'legwork'
that wasn't anticipated. As Ma always said on the farm: "life isn't
easy", and that we should sometimes expect difficulties out of "left
field", though she never played baseball, which was good advice long
before I left Oklahoma for good to start working at 'The Daily

Captain Video

Thanks. I was grumbling about the same problem: getting 1.1.0, instead
of 1.1.1.

Peter Seiler

Daze N. Knights - 13.04.2006 18:47 :
Thanks. I was grumbling about the same problem: getting 1.1.0, instead
of 1.1.1.

Thanks for your fullquoting (snipped) only posting the above line :-(

Bill Day

Note: Downloading
through Opera/Firefox browsers *doesn't work* as they took me to a 403
"forbidden" page but using an IE/shell does get the download. Why the

Direct download of FireTune 1.1.1 (fingers crossed)
I tried all the suggestions, but still couldn't get it...even using
IE...so I went to Softpedia, using Firefox, did a search on
"Firetune", disabled Proxomitron, clicked on the download link...was
taken to the page with 2 mirror sites listed....clicked again on the
USA site....waited....waited...stopped.....tried
again...waited...finally it asked me to allow a cookie, and THEN
agreed to let me have the file!

So...it's possible, but tedious...

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