Unread e-mail count in Samsung Oreo update


Feb 23, 2002
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I've got a Samsung S7 which was recently updated to Android Oreo, which appears to have changed how the notifications system works. I've previously been able to see how many unread e-mails I have within the Samsung bundled e-mail app icon (without having popup notifications appear). However, it now appears that the only way to have a counter on the icon is to have full notifications for every e-mail received (and dismissing them removed the unread e-mail count bubble).

Has anyone else found Android Oreo's notification system to be really confusing? I've searched for a fix and tried quite a few things (as there is a lot of complaining about this problem on the Samsung forum), but nothing seems to allow for just a simple unread e-mail counter to appear on the e-mail app icon.

It seems like such a simple feature that I'm dumbfounded and wonder if I've just configured something incorrectly!
Only 8.0.0 unfortunately - I've tried altering the notification settings like that, to no avail :(.

I think it may just be a bug in their e-mail app, so will wait it out for a few weeks and see what happens.
Is this with the stock Samsung email app?
Yep, that's the one. I've tried a few other apps, but they don't have some of the other features I'd like - for example, the Outlook app doesn't sync folders, it has to be done manually :eek:.