


About 6 weeks ago both my SBC Yahoo and IE browsers, which
are somehow connected, stopped working -- that is, they
could not open any web address. Netscape still works. After
many discussions with various tech support folks teh advice
sort of comes down to "uninstall and reinstall." But I am
unable to uninstall iexplore 6.0 and therefore unable to
reinstall either the IE or SBC browsers. Can anybody help me?

Jan Il

Hi Jackgh :)
About 6 weeks ago both my SBC Yahoo and IE browsers, which
are somehow connected, stopped working -- that is, they
could not open any web address. Netscape still works. After
many discussions with various tech support folks teh advice
sort of comes down to "uninstall and reinstall." But I am
unable to uninstall iexplore 6.0 and therefore unable to
reinstall either the IE or SBC browsers. Can anybody help me?

It may also be malware on your system causing the problem. Download,
install and run the programs below. Be sure to UPDATE the SpyBot and AdAware
before running both.

CWShredder: Free

SpyBot Search & Destroy: Free

Before trying to remove spyware, download a copy of LSPFIX from
the URL below - some malware may kill your internet connection when it is
removed, this program will enable you to regain your connection.

AdAware: Free

If the above does not resolve the problem, continue with the following;

Be aware that if you have Windows XP, you can not remove/uninstall IE as it
is a core of the program. You might also try a repair of IE before the
uninstall/reinstall. I have provided the instructions for a repair,
including XP, if you choose to try that first, and the links for proper
uninstall and reinstall of IE in order to avoid problems that can occur with
these processes if not done properly.

Repair Internet Explorer

Be sure that your AV and firewall is disabled before starting:

1. Close all Internet windows and programs, then the Click the Start tab
on the bottom task bar.
2. Click Settings
3. Click Control Panel
4. Click on Add/Remove Programs
5. Find and highlight your IE version in the list
6. Click the Add/Remove tab on the dialog box under the window
7. When the Wizard window opens you should see a Repair Internet Explorer
8. Click the radio button or box next to it, then click OK
9. Let it run the repair
10. Reboot you computer


Be sure that your AV and firewall is disabled:

Method 2 in this article works on earlier versions of Windows.
How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows


If you have not already done so, then you might try a repair of IE6 as

For XP Repair of IE - Courtesy of Robert Aldwinckle

XP users who have installed IE6sp1 before upgrading to XPsp1
will have setupwbv.dll and will be able to do a repair using

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance

Otherwise, they have to use

sfc /scannow

etc., or reinstall IE6 (Ref: KB318378)


Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

There is no direct Repair function for IE6 in XP. Here are some

1. With XP you need to go to Start|Run and type "sfc /scannow" (without the
quotes and notice the space between the c and the /.) Have your XP CD handy
and be prepared to go get a cup of coffee - it takes a while. This will do
the same thing as Repair IE6 for XP but a lot more, that is find any corrupt
system files and replace them. It does not, however, re-register the
various software components (except possibly the ones it replaces?) AFAIK.

Be aware that under certain circumstances (Win2k before SP4 - see mskb
814510, http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q814510) sfc
can erroneously overwrite (restore over) previously installed files from
certain "hotfixes" which will then need to be re-installed. To check for
this, after running sfc, open a Cmd window and enter "qfecheck /v /l:c:\"
(without the quotes). If you don't have qfecheck installed, it can be
obtained for XP here:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?ReleaseID=35468 and for
Win2k, obtain qfecheck here:

2. Another alternative that works on Win2k and may or may not work on XP
(but probably does - I've heard both stories), for just IE6 repair if you
don't have IE6 listed in Add-Remove Programs, then in Start|Run then enter

"rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6Maintenance"

without the quotes, exactly as shown, and select the appropriate entry.

3. If you find that you need to do a re-install of IE6 then you can
consider the following, I can't verify this for XP (I'm Win2k - it works
there, and I've had good reports from XP users), but you might want to give
it a try at your own risk. Again, enter this at Start|Run without the
quotes and be careful about the spacing:

"rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132

4. Lastly, here is a link to a MSKB article about re-installing IE6/OE6:

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows
XP (Q318378)


Courtesy of Robert Aldwinckle

Here is a more recent suggestion I have been giving to XP users
who want to try some repair procedures.

<TITLE>831429 - Windows XP stops responding when you download updates from
Windows Update</TITLE>
< http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;831429 >

It is actually a more comprehensive set of re-registrations than an
IE Repair with the default FixIE.inf would do for either NT5.

Although they are listed specifically for W2K they should apply
equally to XP.

or...... to uninstall/reinstall

IE Install/Uninstall Problems

How Do I Install/Uninstall IE?

Problems reinstalling IE 6 Q831167

Hope this helps.

Jan :)

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