Unable to login to any websites after cancelled Disc Clean operati



1. Click on Disc Clean as I have been doing on a regular basis for years.
2. Cancelled the operation.
3. When I tried to log on to any website, I received an Error Message
something "Null" and that I may have typed the web address incorrectly.
I cannot connect to any of my Favorites. Not Microsoft, Google,
4. What is unusual, is that my home page opens up and,
5. I can run my Norton live update and it connects.
6. I have IE ver. 7

Not me

1. Click on Disc Clean as I have been doing on a regular basis for
years. 2. Cancelled the operation.
3. When I tried to log on to any website, I received an Error Message
something "Null" and that I may have typed the web address
incorrectly. I cannot connect to any of my Favorites. Not Microsoft,
Google, Yahoo...nothing.
4. What is unusual, is that my home page opens up and,
5. I can run my Norton live update and it connects.
6. I have IE ver. 7

I'm no expert, but I would do a system restore.

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