Unable to open URL - open IE cancelled due to restrictions


A Brown

When I click any URL I am not able to open IE and got this message
"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this
computer. Please contact your system administrator."

When I go to regedit, I am unable to find the policies folder inside the
software folder. Also I am unable to find "restrictions" or
"NoBrowseOptions" in my entire registry.

So I am unable to get this working:

There is no entry for NoBrowseOptions.
Unable to Change it from "1" to "0" DID NOT correct the problem.

Cannot deleted NoBrowserOptions from the registry and reopen Internet

I think these problems is all because of for some reason Adware went into my
computer, and one of the computer tech install Sypbot (AdDestroyer or
VirtualBouncer) in my system which was later removed. If anyone infected
with this Adware (N-Case, WebSavingsFromEbates), do NOT use Sypbot - Search
and Destroy.


A said:
When I click any URL I am not able to open IE and got this message
"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on
this computer. Please contact your system administrator."

When I go to regedit, I am unable to find the policies folder inside
the software folder. Also I am unable to find "restrictions" or
"NoBrowseOptions" in my entire registry.

So I am unable to get this working:
HKey_Current_User/software/policies/microsoft/internetexplorer restrictions.

There is no entry for NoBrowseOptions.
Unable to Change it from "1" to "0" DID NOT correct the problem.

Cannot deleted NoBrowserOptions from the registry and reopen Internet

I think these problems is all because of for some reason Adware went
into my computer, and one of the computer tech install Sypbot
(AdDestroyer or VirtualBouncer) in my system which was later removed.
If anyone infected with this Adware (N-Case, WebSavingsFromEbates), do
NOT use Sypbot - Search and Destroy.

I'm sorry for your difficulties, but the above is nonsense. Techs have
been using Spybot Search & Destroy (www.security.kolla.de) and Ad-aware
(www.lavasoftusa.com) to combat spyware and other malware for years
with no issues. I'd suspect other problems on your computer. Perhaps
the spyware isn't completely cleaned or perhaps some of the spyware
damaged settings. Try applying the lsp fix from here:



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