Unable to install any updates.



My computer crashed recently and someone wiped my hard drive and reinstalled
windows xp for me. Ever since I have been unable to install any updates at
all. I have a list of 18 just hanging out. Can someone please help?


As you've recently done a clean install of Windows XP and updates are failing
see :
Updates are not installed successfully from Windows Update, from Microsoft
Update, or by using Automatic Updates after you repair a Windows XP


I had the exact same issue and was up to 95 updates.

To solve it:
I disabled the automatic updates
Downloaded and installed the whole windows XP SP3 update (not the automatic
Rebooted many times
Then when there was no more updates pending I reactivated the automatic

Wish you best luck it was a nightmare for me


Try what the other guys have said, but at the same time, do some research on
replacing one of the DLLs for Windows Update. Had this happen recently and a
DLL was corrupt. I just can't remember which one specifically.

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