Unable to Download Windows XP Updates



I get the error message below evertime I try to get a Windows XP Update. Can
anyone provide me with some assistance. I am able to download the Office
2000 updates with no problems.

[Error number: 0x80072EFD] : Windows Update has encountered an error and
cannot display the requested page. You may find the following resources
helpful in resolving the problem:



You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or "Error 0x80072EFD" error message when
Translation: Cannot connect to the Internet server

When accessing the Windows Update site, you receive the 0x80072EFD error.

You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or "Error 0x80072EFD" error message when you try to
use Windows Update
When you try to use the Microsoft Windows Update Web site, you may receive one of the
following error messages:
Error 0x80072EE2
Error 0x80072EFD
Initialization Error 0x80072F76
Error IUCTL Failed to download iuident.cab from
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/v4/ to C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\V4\temp
(Error 0x80072F76)

See also:
When searching for available updates on the Windows Update site, you
receive the 0x8024402C, 0x80240030 or 0x8024502d error.

If you have Norton Internet Security or something similar installed (e.g. some 3rd
party firewall as mentioned in the article above), you might need to reconfigure or
disable it.

Here is more about this issue:
http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=OP#[email protected]

http://groups.google.com/[email protected]
This is how I set Norton firewall so I can download updates and keep the firewall

also another user’s solution: "GK" wrote:

Here is how I was able to work around the problem.
Using command prompt
1. proxycfg -d (to clear proxy cache)
2. net stop wuauserv (to stop Automatic updates service)

Using Windows Explorer
3. Delete all files and folders in
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution (your windows folder may vary)

Again using command prompt
4. net start wuauserv (to start Automatic updates service)

Try now going back to Windows Update web page.

It worked for me. YMMV


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