Unable to download files!! HELP!!! 2nd post



I used to design computer networks. semi-retired now.... still a reasonable
trouble shooter... so you still can't find a file after a download? I am
the file download starts and ends as normal then?

Vista downloads to a temp folder and then copies the file to the specified
download folder you select... I am also assuming NO downloads work
regardless of file type (the 3 letter extension)....

So something is awry in the copy process it seems.....


Try setting up another USER, Login and download then.... I am thinking
your file structure in IE temp is corrupt and this will test that.... you
can remove the new USER afterwards.


Tried that too as well. Alas the download box just simply disappears. I
haven't changed any settings that would have caused this. I got my computer
at the end of january and i had downloaded a few things from then until about
march and then boom.. . this scenario happened. Any other suggestions? If
not, i appreciate your help anyway


You are correct in your assumptions. . . . and now that you mention it. A
few times that I attempted a download the following happened: Download
started, progress finished, progress bar disappears and then for a split
couple seconds a little progress box comes up saying "copying x file to x
destination" or something to that affect. it's hard to tell because it is so
quick. Any ideas


Do you have Msn Messenger or an email i could reach you at if you dont mind.
I dont even know how to create a new user. . . .thats how inept i am.


well, no surprise. you were right. made a new account and i can download
just fine. is there any way to fix this problem on my other account or would
i have to just delete that account. the only problem with that would be
things like the music and other media i have on that account


Using the NEW acct delete the temp internet folders in the OTHER ACCT.
Then Reboot and login to the old one....

Use Windows Explorer

C:\USER find the Temporary Internet Folders for the bad acct.... DELETE

You must be ADMIN in the NEW acct to do this....


Alright. . . let me get this straight. My admin(main) account is called
isaac. the account i created as just a throw away account is just called
test. I log into my isaac(admin) account and then where do i go from there.
i'm sorry, i'm just a little slow on these issues. . . not a total idiot. i
really do appreciate these


No LOGIN to the TEST acct which you should have also give Admin Privileges
and DELETE the Isaac Temporary Internet Folders.... C:\USER look
for ISAAC and the the Temp Internet Folders

Then Reboot back into Isaac and the folders will be recreated.....
hopefully now your Isaac can download.


BTW after you are done RESET IE in the Isaac Login ....... do this even if
downloads did not work yet and close and restart IE to try again.

IE7 - Tools - Internet Options - Advanced Tab - RESET IE SETTINGS

Close and Restart IE....


Well i have all the hidden files shown in my"test" account but where do i go
to delete the temp files from the isaac/admin account. or is my new account
supposed to be the admin account


Look under C:\USER

Disappointedvista said:
Well i have all the hidden files shown in my"test" account but where do i
to delete the temp files from the isaac/admin account. or is my new
supposed to be the admin account


Well I followed those directions and nothing changed in my Isaac account.
The temp file was not automatically recreated. It dawned on me though that
the only thing that i would absolutly want to save would be my extensive
music collection. is there any way i can just create a new admin. accnt. and
just transfer the music. then i could delete my current admin account and
start over from scratch?


You should be able to access or copy your music files from a new admin
account.... I would copy because when you remove Isaac Acct the files
might get deleted.....


Thanks Spirit but that isnt the problem. I've searched entire computer
including hidden files. the "downloaded file" isnt anywhere to be found on
the computer. I've picked a number of different destinations for the file to
go to but none successful. I am out of options. If you have anymore advice
let me know. Thanks

Just an observation, 'searched including hidden files'. If there is anything
about Vista that I have absolutely ZERO trust in it's the SEARCH utility.That
SEARCH thing couldn't find a seriously wounded elephant in a snowfall in
Central park.
I know. I've tested it, file name specific folder etc.. I'm sitting there
LOOKING at the file, hit search, and Vista like a blind dog just gropes thru
the motions and can't find it till you move on to advanced, and search
non-indexed stuff. And even then it can't always find what you want.

As an alternative, for when you really must find something, there's 'total

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