Two Wireless

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paulo Barreto
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Paulo Barreto

I'm having problems having two wireless hardware
connected. I bought some time ago the Micorsoft Wireless
Multimedia Keyboard which came with a Wireless Mouse. A
week ago that mouse, just stop responding. Keyboard is
fine, so I went out and bought the new Microsoft Wireless
IntelliMouse 2.0. I can't get the keyboard and the mouse
to function correcty together. I guess the two receivers
are getting confused. I was was wondering if I could some
how use only the receiver of the keyboard (which by the
way was for a keyboard and a mouse in the first place)??

Thanks in advance,
Paulo Barreto
European Union
Unfortunately - not - the mouse, keyboard and receiver are matched -
this allows you to have more than one of each in close proximity of
each other - at my home, with 3 PCs and a Laptop, they all have
wireless mice and the PC's keyboards. They never interfere, but once
I did have to sendoff to Logitech for a new paired mouse for my
keyboard and receiver - or if you are impatient and can afford it,
just go down to your local PC shop, best buy, staples ,etc and buy a
new matched set.
The only wireless keyboard/mouse technology that supports what you want
is BlueTooth. These are, unfortunately, expensive as of right now and
won't really help in your case. It is possible to try getting them to
connect with the reciever, but your chances are very slim to none. I am
always afraid to say impossible as some things just work beyond all reason.