Troubleshooting PPT 2004 - Clip Gallery crashes



I am using PowerPoint 2004 on a Mac running OS 10.2.8. Every time I try to
access the clip gallery, it crashes. I get an "unable to access linked file
"^0" and then it sets up an error message ready to send to Microsoft. It
suggests that I re-install the program. I have done that MULTIPLE times from
the original CD. I have done remove office and then reinstalled. I have
removed all Microsoft files manually, and then tried to re-install. I have
done the custon installation. I get basically the same messages every time.
I have even used Office from a FireWire drive that works on other machines
and still get the same messages. I have done all the updates and still get
the same things. Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Steve Rindsberg


It's not obvious from the name of this group (Public.PowerPoint) but it's mostly
a Windows-speaking crowd.

You might want to repost in Public.Mac.Office.PowerPoint
They speak Mac real nice over there. ;-)

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