Trouble with Perfect Keylogger (0/1)


John Dredla

I have Wincows XP. I had perfect keylogger running fine on my
computer, I use it to see what my teenage children are doing. It was
doing fine for weeks. I would access it with [Ctrl]+[alt]+[L]. It
ran successfully through a few Norton antivirus scans. I had not
password protected it. It was running fine for weeks.

I password protected it, and it still ran fine for a few days. Then
as far as I can tell, on the same day I did a virus check with my
Norton Antivirus my child also installed Limewire. That's when the
trouble began. The next time my machine booted up I saw the check
disk screen and checkdisk deleted a couple of files. I think they
were image
files. Now when I try to run Perfect Keylogger, I get a notification
window with a zillion symbols in it. I know its running in the
but I can't get to it. I've tried to uninstall it, and it appears to
uninstall OK. I reinstall it and the same thing happens. Any clues
would help.

here's a picture of the notification window.


Wanna know why? Because you're spying on your kids. Seriously, would
you want your parents or boss or spouse spying on you? Of course not.
Lemme guess, you have cameras trained in their rooms too? Hmm, I
believe that's incest, because if you do, there's a high chance you've
seen your teenage children naked. Then what, are you jerking off to it?
But anyway, back to the point. The point is, you can't trust your kids
because of what? Because they're acting like teenagers and aren't
telling you stuff? That's a fact of life. I bet you didn't tell your
parents every little thing when you were a teenager, right?

You realise that when they find out about the keylogger, if they
haven't already, (which could be why it isn't working), they're never
going to forgive you, and probably hate you for the rest of their

If you cannot learn to trust your kids, talk to your kids, etc, you
shouldn't have any.


Hi John, hi desk003!

I think the part about jerking off is a bit inappropriate, but I understand
your anger and agree with the rest.

You should take your time to think why you're spying on your children.
Let's first make this clear. Even if your country's laws allow you to do
this (in some countries this would be illegal), it's unethical and

Is it because you want to protect them? That would be understandable, but
if you overprotect them, the chance is high that they will do something
exactly _because_ you forbade it. Either because of defiance against you
(that's a part of growing up) or because you created a "forbidden fruit".

Is it because you don't trust them? Then ask youself why you don't trust
your own children. How can they grow up in a family where they aren't

Talk to your children. Tell them want they are allowed to do at the
computer and what not. Tell then why in a way they'll understand (and I
mean _words_ and _explanations_ not something else). You can install
software to prevent them to install dialers or open webpages with violent
or explicit sexual content. But tell your children before! A Keyloggers is
a programs you shouldn't install under any circumstances.

As desk003 said: stop spying on your children! Do you want your wife to spy
on you?



P.S. Sorry for my poor English for such an important issue.


Dennis: You're right, I was a little steamed.

I'm sorry for the 'jerking off' comment.

However the rest still holds true.

John Fitzsimons

Wanna know why? Because you're spying on your kids.

You realise that when they find out about the keylogger, if they
haven't already, (which could be why it isn't working),

Exactly. Kids often know more about computing than their parents.
they're never
going to forgive you, and probably hate you for the rest of their

< snip >

Yep, added to that, if a kid finds out that either/both of his parents
are acting like low life, and spying on them, then they will simply
use one of their friend's computers to avoid this.

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ)
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.


I put a key logging on my sons computer when I thought he was caught up in
drug traffic at school. I read his MSN messenger ramblings for 3 weeks and
found he had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Then he found out what I was up to when he accidentally hit a combination of
hotkeys and the log appeared before his eyes.
Now I've lost the trust of my son for a very long time, and for what? - he
was innocent all along.

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