Transfer of Win.98 Files To Win. XP


Charles Harkness

I have been using a computer running Windows 98 for several years and have
just purchased a new computer running Windows XP. I new there were a lot of
changes, but I am having some trouble transferring some files from my old
computer to the new one. I am assuming that the Win. 98 files are compatible
with Win. XP. I am looking for the file location in XP for email messages,
favorites, address book, cookies, stationary, etc. Most of these files are
in the Windows Directory in Win. 98, but I can's find them in Win. XP. I
have done a search on several user groups and did not fine one reference to
this problem. Any help would be appreciated.


if u have the computers networked u can use the files and settings transfer wizard in the system tools wizard

u mumbled
ah have been usin' a computer runnin' Windows 98 fo' sevahal years an' have jest purchased a noo computer runnin' Windows XP. ah noo thar were a lot of changes, but ah's havin' some trouble transferrin' some files fum mah old computer t'th' noo one. ah's assumin' thet th' Win, as enny fool kin plainly see. 98 files is compatible wif Win, as enny fool kin plainly see. XP. ah's lookin' fo' th' file locashun in XP fo' email messages, favo'ites, address book, cookies, stashunary, etc. Most of these files are in th' Windows Direcko'y in Win, as enny fool kin plainly see. 98, but ah can's find them in Win, as enny fool kin plainly see. XP. I have done a search on sevahal user groups an' did not fine one reference to this problem, dawgone it. Enny he'p'd be appreesheeated, cuss it all t' tarnation. Charles

Drew Tognola

most of the files you mentioned are in your 'C:\Documents and Settings'
folder. then click on your personal folder and make sure you can view hidden
folders by choosing 'folder options' in windows explorer, then clicking the
'view' tab, then checking 'show hidden files & folders'. when you do a
search remember to check the 'advanced options' and check the first 3
options. this should find your e-mail files.

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