They think they are funny

  • Thread starter Thread starter Todd
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| And they are....

A matter of taste, I guess. I like to just stay
indoors and avoid the media on April Fools Day.
It's enough trouble trying to sort truth from
fiction on a normal day. :)
| And they are....

A matter of taste, I guess. I like to just stay
indoors and avoid the media on April Fools Day.
It's enough trouble trying to sort truth from
fiction on a normal day. :)

Hi Mayayana,

What was so bad about this jokes is that
is made perfect business sense. Have a
product people like and want to buy, improve
it and sell, sell, sell!

M$ doesn't realize in order to get people
to buy their new mouse traps, they have to make
better mouse traps. Since XP, their offerings
have been slower, clunkier, less compatible,
less stable. Did I mention SLOWER!

No business other than M$ on this planet would
try to sell worse stuff with a straight face.
That is why the above joke was cruel in so
many ways.

April Fools day is my favorite "holiday". It's just plain fun..... And
dont require spending months spending of money and preparation.
Hi Mayayana,

What was so bad about this jokes is that
is made perfect business sense. Have a
product people like and want to buy, improve
it and sell, sell, sell!

M$ doesn't realize in order to get people
to buy their new mouse traps, they have to make
better mouse traps. Since XP, their offerings
have been slower, clunkier, less compatible,
less stable. Did I mention SLOWER!

No business other than M$ on this planet would
try to sell worse stuff with a straight face.
That is why the above joke was cruel in so
many ways.


While it's hard being serious on April Fools day, I fully agree with
what you're saying. I'm not about to buy a new computer, and I would
have to do so in order to run Windows 8. There are a lof of people who
just cant afford a new computer, and more who simply dont want to
relearn a new OS, not to mention having to buy new software programs and
also relearn them. On top of this,there is an environmental issue,
whereas all the old electronics are a major source of pollution, and
troublesome to recycle. To me, it makes little sense throwing away
electronics that still work.

A re-release of XP would probably be a big seller for MS. They dont
seem to realize that we all have different tastes, yet they only support
ONE operating system (their latest). I'd be inclined to buy an XP
re-release, where I have no intention or desire to buy Win8.

The only thing I question, is what they could improve in XP.....
Aside from adding drivers and support for newer computer hardware, what
else could be improved? I'd be afraid that any other improvements would
just be more BLOAT..... (Which seems to be what was offerred with
Viata, Win7 and Win8).

In all honesty, I'd welcome a re-release of Win98 too. 98 was their
second most popular OS, and it still works well too. But it did lack a
few things, with USB support at the top of the list.

The MS Marketting Dept. needs to wake up, and realize that they need to
offer several varieties of their operating systems. While some people
want the latest and most bloated systems, there are many of us,
especially us older folks who prefer something simple and basic, and
something capable of running on older hardware.

Another point, is that everytime the hardware makers come out with
faster hardware, MS bogs it down with bloat, thus our computers never
get any faster. I'd love to see how fast Win98 runs on the latest
hardware, but drivers are not available, so it's not possible.
April Fools day is my favorite "holiday". It's just plain fun..... And
dont require spending months spending of money and preparation.

It should be a national holiday
| No business other than M$ on this planet would
| try to sell worse stuff with a straight face.

The part that gets me is they're also the only
company I know of that routinely markets by
saying, "Our last product was junk. You should
buy the new one."
And that's a big one. Plus it wasn't as stable (free from blue screens) if
you tinkered around with it.

I still use Win98 most of the time. Mostly because I dont get a good
dialup connection on XP. But I rarely ever have W98 crash. But I've
been tinkering with it for years and know how to make it run well. I'm
using it right now, and I have two browsers open, with a total of 24
open web pages, plus foxit reader, Thunderbird, Agent, and Winamp
playing music, all loaded at once. My biggest problem with 98, are the
web browsers that wont work properly on the newer websites, and script
errors cause the whole system to get flakey. Currently resource meter
is showing System resources 24% free, User resources 53% free GDI 24%
Just like with smaller and smaller and "smarter" and "smarter" cellphones,
they're not interested in (or targeting) thix smaller group. Because that's
not where the money is. I think they know where the money is going to be
coming from.

Have you seen how difficult it is just to get a simple, basic, (and larger
screen) cell phone? For the same reasons. (Actually, I think there are
only two right now - ConsumerCellular, and Jitterbug. :-) If I want all
that "smart" capability of a smartphone, I just use the computer at home.

Yea, i can really understand this. I'm old and dont have the best
eyesite. Those small screens are hard to see. But I only have a
pre-paid phone (Tracfone). I refuse to sign a contract or pay more than
$20 a month. I normally buy a $20 card and have enough minutes to last
me 2 months. My phone is just for emergencies and occasionally a quick
call when I'm not at home. It's just a phone. I can make calls, send
texts, and get some very basic internet. I do like the internet for
getting weather radar and reports, that's about all I use the internet
part of it for.

I dont want a "Smartphone". I would not even know how to use one. The
only features I'd like, but are not available from Tracfone, are a
built-in camera, and most importantly, a larger screen. But I manage to
use it the way it is.

A few weeks ago, I found an Apple I-phone laying on the sidewalk outside
of a bar. I picked it up and tried to turn it on, and figured I'd call
someone on the contact list, preferably one that says "mom" or something
like that. I screwed around with that thing for at least a half hour,
and could not get it to do anything except show me the time. Then it
started to ring. I could not figure out how to answer it, but I tried
to just talk into it, with no success. I finally went into the bar, and
saw a young guy talking on a smartphone. I approached him and asked him
if he knew how to operate it. He said no problem, and minutes later he
called someone from it, and a half hour later the owner came to get it.
That phone had at least 10 buttons on it, but none of them turned it on.
I asked thart young guy how to turn it on, and he showed me how to touch
the bottom of the screen...... You'd think they would have a label
saying ON/OFF there??????
What was so bad about this jokes is that
is made perfect business sense. Have a
product people like and want to buy, improve
it and sell, sell, sell!

That it made good business sense is what I thought made it a
*good* joke.



Gene Wirchenko
Have you seen how difficult it is just to get a simple, basic, (and larger
screen) cell phone? For the same reasons. (Actually, I think there are
only two right now - ConsumerCellular, and Jitterbug. :-) If I want all
that "smart" capability of a smartphone, I just use the computer at home.

Isn't the purpose of having a smart phone so you can show off to people
you know.

When I bought a car, I needed directions to a bank and instead of
drawing me a map on paper, he showed me his smart phone, which I
couldn't keep and could barely see because of hte glare, so I just
listened to what he said and found the bank that way.

I can see it as useful for comparison shopping, if you have the right
app, to enter the bar code and see prices nearby. Can one really do
that? Stores will get around that soon by having more of
store-based sku's, so the same model won't be sold at any other store.
My phone is just for emergencies and occasionally a quick
call when I'm not at home. It's just a phone. I can make calls, send
texts, and get some very basic internet. I do like the internet for
getting weather radar and reports, that's about all I use the internet
part of it for.

I didn't like it that I can't install Firefox on my Huawei phone, but
eventually I tried out the built in browser. I liked that I could tell
if the plane was on time or late straight from my phone, but when I got
to the airport I tried doing this from the road in front of the
terminals and from the cell phone parking lot, and none of those places
had wifi. Did I mention I'm not paying for a data plan, and while wifi
works at home, there is no wifi at the airport, at least BWI, unless
one goes inside, and once inside, I could look at the monitors that say
if the plane is late or not.

But I wanted a smart phone for emergency use. I can go to mcdonalds or
HD or some place with wifi and check on something if I have to. I can
read my email from the web if I have to, though I never have to. Well
once it would have helped.
A few weeks ago, I found an Apple I-phone laying on the sidewalk outside
of a bar. I picked it up and tried to turn it on, and figured I'd call
someone on the contact list, preferably one that says "mom" or something
like that. I screwed around with that thing for at least a half hour,
and could not get it to do anything except show me the time. Then it
started to ring. I could not figure out how to answer it, but I tried
to just talk into it, with no success. I finally went into the bar, and
saw a young guy talking on a smartphone. I approached him and asked him
if he knew how to operate it. He said no problem, and minutes later he
called someone from it, and a half hour later the owner came to get it.
That phone had at least 10 buttons on it, but none of them turned it on.
I asked thart young guy how to turn it on, and he showed me how to touch
the bottom of the screen...... You'd think they would have a label
saying ON/OFF there??????

A nice, funny story.
| No business other than M$ on this planet would
| try to sell worse stuff with a straight face.

The part that gets me is they're also the only
company I know of that routinely markets by
saying, "Our last product was junk. You should
buy the new one."

Makes your head spin.
What was so bad about this jokes is that
is made perfect business sense. Have a
product people like and want to buy, improve
it and sell, sell, sell!

That it made good business sense is what I thought made it a
*good* joke.



Gene Wirchenko


"Humor is tragedy plus time" -- Mark Twain
Mayayana said:
| No business other than M$ on this planet would
| try to sell worse stuff with a straight face.

The part that gets me is they're also the only
company I know of that routinely markets by
saying, "Our last product was junk. You should
buy the new one."

Oh lots of companies market their new products this way. I could think
of endless list of examples.
Oh lots of companies market their new products this way. I could think
of endless list of examples.

Oh they do the "new and improved" thing. You hear junk.
(Which is usually the correct interpretation.)

M$ will actually come out and say it.