Terminal server: restricted each user to one session, but not in local

Mar 9, 2009
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I have a windows 2003 server, I have activated "restrict each user to one session" option in terminal server, and it lock the account if you connect to the server with two sesions of the same user.
But if the second user is logged in the server it doesn't lock the session. How can I get to lock even the local sesion when the second session is loged?

Thanks in advance,
Has a solution been found

We are experiencing the same problem.
Using Win2K Terminal Server, clients are logging on in a second session as another user, which is in use by the other user, and creating two instances of the same client in use on the server. This is not good and regularly causes corruption of the email data files.
I know this is an old thread, but I've searched on the net for a solution and can not find one - other than replacing staff with those a little less recalcitrant.
