Task Pad is disabled



Greetings All,

All of a sudden, my tasks do not display in the right side of the window,
below the calendars. Now, there are 4 additional rows of calendar months
where the Task Pad used to display.

When I go to the View menu, the Task Pads View command is grayed out.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks for your expertise.


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Move your mouse pointer to the bottom of the Date Navigator (the small
calendars) until it turns into a double vertical arrow, then drag up -- the
TaskPad should reappear.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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I tried to do that, but the cursor does not change. The divider bar between
the calendar and the Task Pad is not there. There are 4 rows of montly
calendars, no divider bar below it.

As I mentioned, Task Pad is grayed out in the View menu.



Brian Tillman

larry123 said:

I tried to do that, but the cursor does not change. The divider bar
between the calendar and the Task Pad is not there. There are 4 rows
of montly calendars, no divider bar below it.

I just dragged the TaskPad down out of the way on my Calendar. There is no
divider bar at the blootom of the screen, yet when I place my cursor there,
it becomes the two horizontal lines with up-and-down arrows signalling
something to drag. Unfortunately, my TaskPad view button remains available,
so I can't simulate your conditions.
Brian Tillman
Smiths Aerospace
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991
Brian.Tillman is the name, smiths-aerospace.com is the domain.

I don't speak for Smiths, and Smiths doesn't speak for me.

Brian Tillman

Brian Tillman said:
I just dragged the TaskPad down out of the way on my Calendar. There
is no divider bar at the blootom of the screen,

"Blootom"? I meant to type "bottom". Sheesh!
Brian Tillman
Smiths Aerospace
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991
Brian.Tillman is the name, smiths-aerospace.com is the domain.

I don't speak for Smiths, and Smiths doesn't speak for me.



I've moved the cursor very slowly from the very top of the page down to the
bottom, and there is just nothing there. The cursor never changes.

I just opened up another pst file, and that file is displaying properly, so
the problem must be that the pst I'm trying to work with is corrupted. I ran
the Outlook Detect and Repair process, but of course that didn't fix the

Anyone know how to fix a corrupt pst?



Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

You can try the Inbox Repair Tool....search your drive for scanpst.exe.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Brian Tillman

larry123 said:
I've moved the cursor very slowly from the very top of the page down
to the bottom, and there is just nothing there. The cursor never

Like I said, I can't exactly reproduce your problem.
Anyone know how to fix a corrupt pst?

Since you said a new PST works correctly, just move everything from your old
PST to the new one that works and ditch the old one.
Brian Tillman
Smiths Aerospace
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991
Brian.Tillman is the name, smiths-aerospace.com is the domain.

I don't speak for Smiths, and Smiths doesn't speak for me.



Thanks for the idea. I just tried it, and unfortunately, the same problem
exists in the new PST.

Argh! I'm ready to go back to Lotus Notes. :-(

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