Can position of task pad be changed?




I am wondering if the position of the task pad in Outlook 2002 can be moved
from the right hand side of the screen to across the bottom of the screen,
underneath the calendar?

Thank you,


I don't know of any way to do that.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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So you couldn't use the Outlook view control to put together your own .html
page and set it as the home page for the folder?


No idea...that's beyond my area of expertise. If you can create this and
post how you did it, I'm sure it would be helpful to others.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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I actually haven't done it, but it has to do with using the Outlook View
Control and suspect that there are KB articles and other html pages out there
discussing the technique. Sue will probably be chimming in shortly.


I've been playing around with the Outlook View Control and can say that it is
possible to present the task pad in an alternate location, if you design your
own folder home page using the control on a .html page. Unfortunately, I
can't assist due to my work schedule (about to go into a 14 day stretch
without a day off). Google 'Outlook View Control' and you should be able to
find enough information on using it. From what I can tell, anyone with
average CSS/HTML experience should be able to create the page as its just a
matter of designing the page and then placing the tags for the control in the
location where you'd like the taskpad. Personally, I'll probably end up
designinng my own when I have some time - probably next July or so.

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