System taskname with PID 8 utilising almost 100% of CPU



Please help, recently I tried to apply some critical security patches to my laptop, which is running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. After having applied a couple of them I had to re-boot my laptop. This is when all my problems started.

Each time I logon now my laptop just grinds to a halt. When I do manage to get the Task Manager up I see that the process with the task name "System" and PID of 8 is at 98-99% CPU usage. This makes the laptop completely unusable

Now, although the problem started after applying the critical security patches, the patches may have nothing to do with it. To me it sounds like I have a virus. However, the problem I have is that I cannot run any anti-virus program to remove the virus because the CPU is being hogged by this rogue System process. I have even tried logging on in Safe Mode under DOS and tried to kill the prosess, using the kill.exe utility, but the machine will not let me terminate the process

I really want to avoid having to re-load Windows 2000, so... PLEASE HELP!!



Thanks for that info Dale, I will remove it tonight (thought it will take me ages because of the problem the patch introduced in the first place!)



SteveCW said:
*Please help, recently I tried to apply some critical securit
patches to my laptop, which is running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
After having applied a couple of them I had to re-boot my laptop
This is when all my problems started.

Each time I logon now my laptop just grinds to a halt. When I d
manage to get the Task Manager up I see that the process with th
task name "System" and PID of 8 is at 98-99% CPU usage. This make
the laptop completely unusable.

Now, although the problem started after applying the critica
security patches, the patches may have nothing to do with it. To m
it sounds like I have a virus. However, the problem I have is that
cannot run any anti-virus program to remove the virus be
cause the CPU is being hogged by this rogue System process. I hav
even tried logging on in Safe Mode under DOS and tried to kill th
prosess, using the kill.exe utility, but the machine will not let m
terminate the process.

I really want to avoid having to re-load Windows 2000, so... PLEAS

Steve *

We're seeing that problem too.

STOP (if it's running) and DISABLE the IPSec Policy Agent service.
Stopping the service is not enough - you have to disable it. So far i
our testing that has fixed the problem.

I hope this helps


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