System restore & Norton's AV/IS




I have been having computer problems since around the
12th of may, after downloading some Norton internet
security/anti virus updates. I have experienced reboots
of my system after connecting to the internet, and with
each time I turn on the computer, I get a pop up message
once the desktop is loaded saying that "the system has
recovered from a serious error", when I have explored
this further by clicking the error report details, there
is something about a minidump.

A friend of mine suggested doing a system restore, which
I did yesterday, going back a month to the first
available date. My question is however, does system
restore work where anti virus software downloads are
concerned? I have noticed that some documents that I have
typed in Word after the restore point are still saved.
Also, even having done the system restor, I am still
getting the pop up message with each switching on of the
computer - is it possible to stop it?


When you use System Restore, the files in your My Documents folder are
unaffected, as are most data files. But, if updates to applications added
or changed lines in the Windows Registry after the date of the Restore Point
that you used, it's logical that those applications might not perform
properly. Going back as far as a month, is risky territory. Think back to
how many updates or new applications you might have installed in that month.
For me the function of System Restore is to fix a problem no more than a few
days old, preferably on the date that it started, with a Restore Point from
the closest date with a Restore Point prior to that problem. Old Restore
Points, especially if you update or install programs, or use the Windows
Update to Update Windows XP itself, are almost worthless, because it's
almost certain if you use a Restore Point that's too old, that you will
compound your problems.
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I am having the same problem and the best I can recall it stems from about the same time. The newsgroup is full of similar messages but no resolution that I can find. I went to the Microsoft website and searched and was directed to install the SP1 update. This was done several months ago. I feel that the problem may be secondary to a Norton problem causing the system to crash. Any thoughts?


Thanks for the replies.

I agree dick - I cant seem to get anywhere with any
resolutions, emailing Norton has drawn blanks as they
haven't replied, and their technical database has nothing
focusing on the problem - unless I pay $29.99! (!) Im
certain its something to do with this, because of the
lack of downloads/installations I do on the computer

I hardly ever install applications etc on the computer,
as I mainly use it for browsing websites and typing the
odd thing in Word. The only thing I have installed
besides the regular Norton Live Updates is an msn 6.1 (I
think it was), that was why I had the restore point.

I also found about that microsoft update - has it done
anything to help the problems you've been experiencing?

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