Synchronized lyrics not working correctly



I thought that this would be fixed with WMP 10 but no...
Here's the bug:

All of the songs in my playlist have synchronized lyrics.
I press play and I see them alright for the first song,
but once it's over, the next song starts but not without
its lyrics. I have to double-click on the song to restart
it and then I can see the lyrics. Pretty annoying...


Alright, someone told me I was not precise enough, so
here it goes again...

1) Got a playlist with all songs with synchro lyrics
2) Press play
3) See synchronized lyrics for the first song
4) Song ends
5) App chooses another song in the playlist and plays it
(as it is supposed to do)
6) No synchronized lyrics are shown

If I want to see the synchronized lyrics, I need to
restart the song and then it restarts to step 3 on and on.

I don't know how to explain it differently, sorry :(

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