Ken Springer said:
I'm not following, J. P. I was thinking creative use of wildcards.
Well, lots of people have given probably better answers anyway. I was
just thinking that often, when this sort of thing comes up, someone far
more knowledgeable about them than I am pops up with something like
for %1 in *%20*
do ....
(and I've almost certainly got the syntax wrong). It probably _would_
include creative use of wildcards too.
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
What is the point of a really good degree, if you're just like Harold Wilson?
That really cut me down to size. - Sister Wendy Becket, on DIDs 2012-12-16
(She, like he, got one of the best degrees at Oxford in her year.)