Stop OL2002 from hanging up...?




I run OL2002 with Win2K pro.

I have OL set to dial up when it launches, and then send & receive

Right now, when it completes those processes, OL hangs up the
connection, but I want it to stay online.

Where is that setting?

Sincere thanks,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You set Outlook up to dial on launch? How?
We'd need to know those settings before we can answer your question. Outlook
will hang up automatically if you set Phone Line as the Connection Type for
your mail account.


You set Outlook up to dial on launch? How?
We'd need to know those settings before we can answer your question. Outlook
will hang up automatically if you set Phone Line as the Connection Type for
your mail account.

Hi Russ,

I set it to dial on launch with:

Tools | Send & Receive Settings | All Accounts | Edit | Pop Account |
Account Properties and, indeed, had it set to Connect using Phone
Line. I also just tried Using IE dialer, but get the same result.

What is the modification?

Thanks for any help,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

If you want to remain connected after the initial poll, set the connection
type to LAN. It will still use your dial up if you have no LAN.


If you want to remain connected after the initial poll, set the connection
type to LAN. It will still use your dial up if you have no LAN.

Hi Russ,

I just made the change you suggest, but...

On launch, it dials properly, checks for mail, but then hangs up as

Might you have any other thoughts...?

Thanks again,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Specify the precise settings you have used for your mail account connection
type. Outlook will not "manage" a LAN connection, so the problem more likely
resides with your dial up connection setting at the OS level.


Specify the precise settings you have used for your mail account connection
type. Outlook will not "manage" a LAN connection, so the problem more likely
resides with your dial up connection setting at the OS level.

Hi Russ,

Thanks for hangin' in there with this one...

I am not certain that I understand what you are asking for. Is it that
you want more information about the connection (the connectoid in
MSspeak)? Or do you need more info about settings in OL?

Thanks again,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Look at Tools > Email Accounts > View or Change existing email accounts >
Select your mail account > Change... > More Settings... > Connection Tab.
What have you selected there?


Look at Tools > Email Accounts > View or Change existing email accounts >
Select your mail account > Change... > More Settings... > Connection Tab.
What have you selected there?

Hi Russ,

Right now, it is set to "Connect using my phone line." If I launch OL
it dials automatically, checks for mail, then hangs up.

If I then re-dial manually, and check for mail manually, OL does NOT
hang up.

In addition, I have tried the other Connection options:

If I choose "Connect using LAN" OL does not dial.

If I choose "Connect using IE's dialer" OL does not dial (whether or
not I have IE set to dial automatically.

As before, thanks for any further thoughts,


If I choose "Connect using LAN" OL does not dial.

Hi Russ,

That should have read:

If I choose "Connect using LAN" OL does not dial, whether or not I
have the use modem box checked.


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

As I thought. Operating as designed. As I said, Outlook will always hang up
a Phone Line connection when you use automatic polling. That's why I said to
set the connection to LAN.
I cannot reproduce your problem. Outlook always dials when I select the LAN
setting but have no LAN connection established. Is your dial up connection
configured to autodial correctly?


As I thought. Operating as designed. As I said, Outlook will always hang up
a Phone Line connection when you use automatic polling. That's why I said to
set the connection to LAN.
I cannot reproduce your problem. Outlook always dials when I select the LAN
setting but have no LAN connection established. Is your dial up connection
configured to autodial correctly?

Hi Russ,

Yes, as far as I know, the connection has autodial set correctly. I
will continue to experiment, and I sincerely appreciate your help thus

All the best,


Under Tools, Options, Other, uncheck the box that ties in
MSN Messenger. Outlook is trying to see if the recipient
or Originator of the message you are viewing is online or

Just a guess.

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