Steam isn't always good


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I bought Prototype II from Steam 7 months ago, this dialogue is self-explanatory but if you don't feel like reading all that basically they tell you to do all this stuff and if it doesn't work - tough luck - you've bought a dead duck and you will not be refunded.

Me to Steam on their support site 13th June:

I bought this game in or around November 2012 and it has never worked. I messaged you at the time and a week later you sent back many suggestions to alleviate the problem. I tried them all on two different machines running Win 7 and one of those machines also running Win XP SP3 32 Bit. All, obviously, with the Steam client installed. It still doesn't work. The game would appear to be corrupt and I would request a refund or a credit note and to please disable/remove the game from my Steam database. PLEASE don't send me back a stock reply advising me to do all those things I have already done. Thank you.

Reply from Steam on their support site 19th June:


Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

We apologize for the long delay in getting a response to you.

Steam Support has recently had a higher volume of tickets and we are working to respond to everyone.

IMPORTANT: if you use anti-virus products, you may experience an issue where Steam continually tries to download and apply this update. If so, please temporarily disable your virus scanner and restart Steam to complete the update. We are working to find a better solution for this incompatibility in future updates.

We have found that many users have resolved their issues since submitting their ticket.

You may be able to find solutions to common problems in our Support Knowledge Base or in the Steam Discussions.

Support Knowledgebase:
Steam Discussions:

We would like to help you resolve your issue. If you have not found a solution since submitting your ticket, please respond to this ticket and we will continue to assist you.

If we don’t receive a response, this ticket will automatically close in 24 hours.

If you are still encountering the issue please follow the instructions linked below to run an msinfo32 report and attach it to this ticket so we may further diagnose the issue:

Title: How to run and submit MSINFO32 Reports

NOTE: Please make sure your Operating System is fully updated before running this report.

We appreciate your patience as we want to make sure all our customers are assisted.

Message by Support Tech Roger on Wed, 19th Jun 2013 11:52 am

Message by you on Wed, 19th Jun 2013 1:01 pm

Two identical stock computer-generated responses, any chance of a human being responding? If somebody actually reads my complaint maybe I'll get a result. I have attached msinfo32 file as requested.

Message by Support Tech Roger on Sat, 22nd Jun 2013 10:03 am
Hello Tony,

If you are currently running Vista or Windows 7, please complete the instructions in the following link:

Title: Windows 7 and Vista Troubleshooting

If you are running in Windows XP, take the following steps:
1) Exit Steam.
2) Go to the "Start" menu, select "Run", type "regedit" and click "OK".
3) Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VALVE
4) Right click and select "Permissions"
5) Check the "Allow" boxes for "Admin" and "System" for both "Full control" and "Read".

The remaining steps apply to *all* versions of Windows.

Please also verify the GCF for this game as outlined here:

Title: Verifying Game Cache Files (GCF)

Note: Files may fail to verify. This is normal and can be ignored.

Then test the issue.

If you still have difficulty, you may also need to manually run secondary installers required by this game.

Exit Steam entirely.

Message by you on Sat, 22nd Jun 2013 10:53 am
Just like I did back in November when I first paid Steam money for this game
I have run through all of the suggestions you make AGAIN and the game still
doesn't work.

Registry settings are already set as you suggest.

Verifying game cache files EACH TIME informs me 1 file does not verify and a
message informs me it is updating that file.

As mentioned before I have deleted local content for this game and
reinstalled - still no go.

Have Reinstalled the NET framework and Direct X from within game folder as
suggested and it still doesn't work.

Windows 7 64 Bit has all updates applied and video and sound card drivers
are latest ones.

I have almost 200 games installed in my Steam folder and Prototype 2 is the
only game that won't run, all the others work or have been working fine
since purchase. I think that says more about the integrity of my system than
it does about Prototype 2.

If 200 games work fine in Steam (and around another 30 games not in the
Steam folder including Starcraft II) I think it's a logical assumption that
my computer is capable of playing games and something is wrong with the game
Prototype 2.

And as I've mentioned in previous correspondence Prototype II won't work on
another computer within a Steam folder, both within Win 7 and Win XP.

I would request again that Steam refund me the money I paid for this game.
If you refuse to honor your obligation and suggest I contact Activision for
support I think I'll just have to swallow my loss and realise Steam don't
actually have much honor or integrity as Activision offer a support service
that's almost as bad as Electronic Arts. Almost.

I await your reply with interest.

Tony Sullivan

Browse to your Prototype 2 installation folder (Usually C:\Program files\Steam\Steamapps\common\prototype 2\)

Run the following installers:

...\Steamapps\common\prototype 2\redist\vcredist_x86.exe
...\Steamapps\common\prototype 2\redist\DirectX\dxsetup.exe

Reboot your computer and test the issue again.

If the issues persist, please complete these guides:

Title: This game is currently unavailable

Title: Games do not run after 'Preparing to Launch'

Further support for this title is handled by a third party support department - please follow the instructions below to contact the support provider to troubleshoot this issue:

Title: Prototype Series

Message by Support Tech Roger on Wed, 26th Jun 2013 3:10 pm
Hello Tony,

As with most software products, we do not offer refunds or exchanges for purchases made on our website or through the Steam Client. This includes, but is not limited to, games, Early Access Games, software, gifted or traded purchases, downloadable content, subscriptions, and in-game items/currency.

We will make an exception and refund titles that are still listed as available for Pre-Purchase on our website. The refund request must be received prior to the official release date for the item. You can see when a pre-purchased title is scheduled to officially unlock by viewing the green information bar on its store page.

This only applies to preorders purchased from your account; preordered titles received or sent through the Steam Trading system cannot be refunded. We do not offer refunds for Early Access Games.

Please review Section 3 of the Steam Subscriber Agreement for more information.

Message by you on Thu, 27th Jun 2013 11:19 am
So basically you're telling me if I buy a game from Steam and it doesn't work I'm stuffed?

And all you can do is tell me to get in touch with Activision? Whose support is even worse than your stock-generated replies?

I have paid cash for this piece of software and it doesn't work. One way or another I will get it to work. You have forced my hand and made me reconsider the way I acquire my games.

Look at how much money I have spent with you and this is how I'm treated. I am really disgusted and disappointed with you.


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
... good luck to you, I won't hold my breath in you actually getting a 'personal' response, never mind actually seeing a, cough, refund.



Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
That's shocking, I can't believe how badly they have dealt with this! You've done everything right so I sincerely hope they man up and deal with it properly. Is there any higher power you can make a complaint to? If you bought it using your credit card you could speak to your bank and see if they can give you a refund... might be worth a try.


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Threaten to sue em, they are a USA company. Tweet e-mail Obama and ask him if it fair. Tweet e-mail your MP ask him the same. Ask Trading Standards to help and tweet their reply.
Start a petition at that site where you need ten thousand signatures to get a question raised in the House of Commons.
Kick up a storm.



sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies folks. I paid for the game with a debit card.

Abarbarian, what is this 'tweet' of which you speak? :confused: If it's something to do with this Twitter thing rather than Sylvester and Puddy Tat, I don't do that social network facility, though I am on Facebook.

I think I wiill contact Activision just so that I have explored every avenue before considering suing them.


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Aye flops twer the Twittery tweets I was referring to. Seems the way to spread info these days. Even MP's use it and auntie beeb mentions it.

Never used it or Facebook meself though, never felt the need. :cool:

You could always e-mail Watchdog and get them to name and shame them.

Be a real hoot to see you in your purples on the telly stomping around. :lol:


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Conclusion: About 6 weeks ago I got hold of a copy of Prototype 2 that worked fine on my AMD machine. I paid money to Steam for this game, remember.

Well, what can I say? After about an hours' play I've come to the conclusion the game is utter tosh :D

So, even if it had worked on Steam I think it would have joined the ranks of the games I have in Steam that I don't play simply because I don't think they're much cop.

I now ALWAYS read a few reviews of a game before purchase, has saved me some money that has.

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